Ukrainian MPs in the United States: What is known about a business trip of 37 parliamentarians

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk informed that 37 People's Deputies of Ukraine had been on a business trip to the United States. According to him, the purpose of the trip is to strengthen cooperation with American partners, as well as systematic work with Congress and US Senate.

The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk explained the stay of Ukrainian people's deputies in the United States and commented on criticism, which was heard by President Vladimir Zelensky on frequent foreign business trips of parliamentarians. According to the speaker, a delegation of 37 MPs went to the United States to establish contacts with Congress and the Senate.

“There is a very important task for Ukraine - to restart our relations with our strategic partners, which are the United States. And we do it systematically at all levels, including at the level of restoration of our relations with Congress and US Senate. That is why a large delegation - 37 people's deputies, who represent more than half of the opposition in parallel - went there to systematically work with senators and congressmen to establish relationships, ”Stefanchuk said.

The speaker separately stressed that the trip of deputies was not at the expense of public funds.

"They went at their own expense," he assured.

Stefanchuk also noted that the work of People's Deputies is not limited to the presence in the hall of Parliament. According to him, deputies work in committees, and also attend frontier territories.

“The Ukrainian Parliament works everywhere, always works, according to the schedule. Parliament work is not reduced to the button. It is work in committees, it is work in temporary investigative commissions, it is work on the diplomatic front, ”he stressed.

The day before President Volodymyr Zelenskyy criticized frequent foreign business trips of People's Deputies. In particular, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that much of Parliament went for a prayer breakfast in the United States.

“Today we have a prayer breakfast of the United States of America. This is very important when the Parliament of Ukraine is at a prayer breakfast. Not in Kherson, not in Kharkiv region, not in Zaporozhye, not in Sumy… The issue is not in the United States - a question in permanent businesses, and not in daily painstaking work for the people who chose them, ”Zelensky journalists in Kiev told them.

The President also noted that he was generally satisfied with the work of the Verkhovna Rada, but stressed that Parliament should work more systematically and regularly.

"Unfortunately, Parliament is not working every day," Zelensky added.



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