Ukrainian forces are implementing a new strategy, stepping up strikes against Russian air defenses ahead of the expected arrival of US F-16 fighter jets. According to information from BILD, this decision is aimed at gaining air superiority, which, in turn, will make it easier to liberate occupied settlements, in particular in Donbas.
Expert Julian Röpke noted that the Ukrainian military is actively attacking Russian air defense, which has become part of their strategy. He emphasized that such an approach involves almost daily strikes aimed at destroying enemy defense systems. Roepke believes that this strategy is aimed at the future introduction of F-16 fighters in the fall or winter.
The process of implementing the new strategy was not without difficulties, the expert noted. He noted that Russia has a significant number of air defense systems, and so far the Ukrainians have managed to destroy only a part of them. In addition, the final schedule and plan for the introduction of F-16 fighters into combat operations has not yet been established.
The former head of the operational staff of the German Ministry of Defense, Niko Lange, emphasized that Ukraine is actively preparing its Su-24s and is preparing to use them together with British and French cruise missiles, as well as waiting for the F-16 to be put into operation.
The Ukrainian military uses sabotage operations and high-precision weapons to destroy enemy radars and aerial surveillance systems, Lange added.