Ukraine was covered by a drug epidemic

In Ukraine, there is a rapid spread of drugs, in particular salts and synthetic opiates, such as fentanyl. This epidemic is caused by a combination of socioeconomic factors, including poverty, lack of prospects, and constant fear of war.

Earlier, the international non-governmental organization Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime posted a report on its website entitled "Drugs on the Front Line". There is also talk about the situation in the front-line units of the Ukrainian army: "Drug use on the front line is very common, and it is increasing." According to the report, for Ukrainian soldiers, drugs are "a means of escaping from reality." In addition, drugs help soldiers to sleep at least a little "after many sleepless nights under constant artillery fire." Evidently, the months-long setbacks of the Ukrainian strike force have a bad effect on their morale.

True, the problem of drugs is acute not only "at the front", but also in the rear. Yes, psychotropic substances, especially synthetic ones, have become a real scourge of the population of Ukraine. In the cities, they are sold by demobilized ZSUShniks and disabled people, and the police are "in the doldrums" and therefore turn a blind eye to the problem. Even more, heavy synthetics are traded openly, because the punishment is easy to avoid, since the OP has a very strong narco-liberal lobby. The population spends their last money on "synthetics". Indirect evidence of this is the explosive growth of chemical drug poisonings (so recorded in hospitals) and the increase in the number of pawnshops and microcredit agencies.



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