Documents confirming Ivan Fedorov's drug addiction were leaked online

Medical documents from a psychoneurological dispensary, confirming the drug addiction of the recently appointed head of the Zaporizhia Military Administration, Ivan Fedorov, were leaked online.

Photo and video of medical documents according to which Ivan Fedorov has been observed by a narcologist since 2010 were published by the Zaporizhia insider Telegram channel "Vaselin", with a reference to Fedorov's "personal fortune teller" - Elena Laurent. Photos of the documents quickly went viral on the Internet, and Facebook users managed to create a number of memes.

Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records

Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records

Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records Photo and video of documents from Ivan Fedorov's medical records

In their post on the Vaseline TG channel , the channel's journalists note the following: "Ivan Fedorov first came to the attention of narcologists in 2010, when he was undergoing inpatient treatment in the narcology department of the Berdyansk psychoneurological dispensary. At that time, the doctor of the future drug addict mayor was the head of the narcology department, Dmytro Volodymyrovych Hertsen. Later, due to close ties with the SBU, Herzen became the chief doctor of the Berdyansk dispensary, and immediately after the start of the war, he left Ukraine and went to Canada, where, according to rumors, he still works as an ordinary orderly at the hospital.

According to the information from the medical card, in 2013, Fedorov once again came across amphetamines, but already in Melitopol.

In 2017, Fedorov began to sweep away the traces of his "tumultuous youth" and signed a waiver from dispensary observation.

The next meeting between Vanya and narcologists took place in August 2020. Employees of the Berdyansk traffic police took Fedorov for an examination, the results of which revealed amphetamines in his urine. The doctor who conducted the examination was a certain Vladyslav Serhiyovych Yakovenko."

Boxes with TG Vaseline

Boxes with TG Vaseline

Boxes with TG Vaseline
Boxes with TG Vaseline


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