In Odessa, the mother with the baby fell out of the high -rise window

On February 5, a tragedy occurred in Odessa on the morning of Odessa: a woman, along with a child, fell out of a high -rise window in the Kyiv district of the city. According to the GU NP in the Odessa region, the woman was killed on the spot, and her 9-year-old child was hospitalized in serious condition.

The report of the fall of people from the 16th floor came to the police on the morning of February 5. An investigative team and juvenile police immediately left the scene.

The details of the tragedy have not yet been installed, but according to preliminary data, the woman who died was 38 years old. The local press service also notes that the injured child is about 9 years, at the time of hospitalization, her condition was difficult.

Law enforcement officers have not yet specified whether it was an accident or other circumstances of the tragedy. However, the qualification of the event will still be provided after the investigation is completed.

This incident happened in the Horizon residential complex, which once again emphasizes the severity of the situation.

This is not the first case of tragic events in the city. Only recently in Odessa was a baby in the freezer, which became another shocking fact in the chain of tragic cases that occurred in the region.



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