There was a scandalous incident in Odessa: a 72-year-old woman who works at school and is the mother of a dead defender of Ukraine, was a victim of brutal beating. The case was taken under personal control by the mayor of the city Gennady Trukhanov, and the details of the event were published in her Facebook director of the city department of education Elena Buynevich.
According to Elena Buynevich, the incident happened after the woman turned to the office of one of the local organizations. There she was promised to conclude a health care agreement with Into-Sana , but the office worker refused to let her into the premises. The verbal dispute has grown into physical violence.
“The victim was hit in the chest, after which it fell. She was crushed with her knee, pulled the hood on her head and beaten on her head, ”Buynevich said. The victim was able to get out of the premises, but at work she was bad. Doctors who arrived at the scene transmitted information about the incident to the law enforcement officers.
Elena Buynevich also stressed that a woman who allegedly beat the victim is now trying to put the situation in a favorable light. The statement is spreading that it was a 72-year-old woman who had previously suffered a stroke, attacked an office worker.
“Indeed, all the details of this case should be clarified by law enforcement. I write this post not to accuse someone, but to pay attention to society, ”the director of the Department of Education wrote.
Gennady Trukhanov assured that the victim would receive all the necessary help. “I take this issue under my personal control. We are waiting for the assessment and appropriate actions of law enforcement. The guilty should be punished, ”said the mayor of Odessa.
Currently, the victim is provided with medical and psychological assistance.
This situation has caused a wave of outrage among the public. Odessa calls law enforcement officers quickly and impartially to understand the incident and bring the perpetrators to justice.