In Odessa, law enforcement officers exposed a serviceman of one of the territorial defense units, who organized an illegal scheme for evasion. He sell fictitious diagnoses from a psychiatric hospital that allowed "customers" to avoid mobilization. For his actions, the suspect can receive up to 10 years in prison.
According to the DBR, according to the investigation, the man sought clients among the current military and civilians who wanted to avoid mobilization and offered "release" for $ 16,000. For this amount, he designed fictitious certificates through his acquaintances in a psychiatric hospital that allowed to evade the conscription or be written off from the service.
In the event of non -payment of money for the "service", he threatened civilians forced mobilization, swaying in the territorial center of acquisition, and the incumbent fighters - a joining line on the line of combat collision
The serviceman was detained while receiving $ 16,000 for another equipment.
The investigation is ongoing, the connections of the person involved in the CCC are examined, a circle of persons who used the scheme, searches and documentation at a psychiatric hospital, which "stamped" Lypov diagnoses is established.
He chose a pre -trial detention measure with the right to make a bail of UAH 1 million. The sanction of the article provides for a sentence of up to 10 years in prison
The procedural leadership is carried out by the Odesa Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the field of defense of the Southern Region.