In Ukraine, starting from 2027, students will independently form their study profile

In Ukraine, a large-scale reform of high school is starting, according to which, from 2027, students will be able to independently choose their study profile and subjects. This innovation will be a significant step in the modernization of the educational system, giving high school students greater freedom in shaping their own educational trajectory.

The Deputy Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science and Technologies - Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov told about this in Telegram.

We continue the transformation of school education, jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine we are implementing "Profilna" - the reform of the senior school. From 2027, students of grades 10-12 will independently form their educational trajectory — they will choose a study profile and subjects depending on their interests. The main focus is on the child's personal skills and freedom in choosing subjects

Fedorov noted.

According to him, the demand for such a reform was extremely high. The survey showed that 91% of high school students and 83% of students at professional institutions would like to be able to independently choose some subjects for study.

Education after the 9th grade will be divided into 2 directions: academic and professional

Fedorov said.

He explained that the "academic direction" is focused on preparation for admission to institutions of higher education. Education will take place in large lyceums, where students will be able to choose the main profile and additional subjects, regardless of direction. For example, a student of a physical profile will be able to study music or art, and a student of a philological profile - physics in life or the theory of the origin of the universe.

Students will continue to study basic subjects, but the reform will give flexibility in choosing additional disciplines and individual courses. Students will have time to prepare for admission to higher education and learn more about their future profession

- remarked the Deputy Prime Minister.

Fedorov also said that the "professional direction" will allow students to develop the necessary skills to quickly enter the labor market. While studying at the vocational school, students will practically master the profession and study subjects closely related to the chosen specialty. After completing their studies, they will have the opportunity to immediately start work with the acquired qualification or continue their education at a higher educational institution.

He added that in 2025, the reform will start in pilot lyceums, and then it will be scaled to other educational institutions.

Minister of Education Oksen Lisovyi is in favor of abolishing the dress code in schools, considering it a step towards a free society. He noted that the free choice of clothing will make students more motivated and productive.



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