In Ukraine, the number of people with gambling addiction has doubled

The number of Ukrainians suffering from gambling addiction doubled in the first six months of 2024, which indicates a serious crisis in this area. According to the open data platform Opendatabot, the registry of ludomaniacs in Ukraine is updated by an average of 760 people every month.

It is noted that the Register of Ludomaniacs currently includes 7,874 people. At the same time, 4,585 people were included in the register in the first six months of 2024, which is 18% more than in the previous 2.5 years in total.

"Every month, the register is replenished, on average, by 760 people. April 2024 was a record year, when 1,041 people were included in the Register. In total, over the three years of the list's existence, 8,456 people with gambling addictions have been included in it, 94% of them in the last 1.5 years," the message reads.

The Verkhovna Rada is preparing a new law on gambling. People's deputies complain that the previously implemented legalization of the gambling business took place "through one place."

The document, in particular, proposes to eliminate the Commission for the Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries, to create stricter restrictions on advertising and to remove "any references to the military, so as not to manipulate it in advertising."

We also reported that the Deputy Prosecutor General of Ukraine Dmytro Verbytskyi said that the pressure on him is related to the investigation of cases related to the gambling business.



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