In 2025, Lviv region may lose more than 50 schools. Most of the institutions subject to liquidation are located in Stryi, Sambir and Lviv districts. This is reported by "Espresso. Zahid" with reference to the Department of Education of the Lviv Regional State Administration.
The reason for the mass closure is the end of teacher salary funding from the education subsidy for schools with fewer than 45 students. This decision will come into effect on September 1, 2025, and from 2026, the subvention will also stop for institutions with fewer than 60 students.
The closure will affect schools in every district of Lviv region. The largest number of such educational institutions are in the following districts:
- Strysky,
- Sambirsky,
- Lviv.
Zarudtsivka gymnasium of the Lviv community was also included in the list.
However, the reform will not affect primary schools - it applies only to institutions with grades 5-11.
If the local authorities decide not to finance understaffed schools on their own, the students will be transferred to support educational institutions. Such schools:
- They have a better material and technical base.
- Provided by more qualified teachers.
- Able to accept a larger number of students.
Pupils will be provided with a free ride to support schools, which can be located at a distance of up to 30 kilometers.
For teachers who will lose their jobs in low-staffed institutions, the possibility of employment in support schools is provided.
Support schools open up new opportunities for students due to larger class sizes. This allows you to use modern teaching methods, for example, project work. However, the elimination of understaffed schools can become a serious challenge for rural communities, where the school is not only an educational, but also a social center.
In addition, the distance to the reference schools can be a problem for students from remote villages, especially given the poor condition of roads and underdeveloped infrastructure.
Local communities have the opportunity to preserve small schools if they independently find the means to finance them. However, for many village councils, this will become an overwhelming financial burden.
The next stage of the reform involves increasing the minimum number of students to 60 people. In the Lviv region, another 53 educational institutions fall under this requirement. This means that during the next two years, the number of schools to be liquidated may increase significantly.