Two new powerful gas wells appeared in Ukraine

Two high-throughput wells with a total production volume of 390,000 cubic meters of gas per day have been launched in the east of Ukraine. This information was published by the press service of Naftogaz on their official website.

These wells, located in the deepest field of Ukrgazvydobuvannya, are distinguished by their almost identical depth - 6 km 200 m and 6 km 225 m. Also, they were drilled in the same layer and put into operation almost simultaneously.

The projected volumes of gas production are very impressive - 270,000 cubic meters and 120,000 cubic meters per day, respectively. This indicates good potential results and sufficient filling of underground storage before the start of the heating season.

It is noted that Naftogaz needed only 8 months to put the wells into operation. This is much faster than traditionally required for such works, which usually take two to three years. This was achieved thanks to the use of modern equipment and highly qualified workers, which also led to a reduction in accidents during work.

In the first 5 months of 2024, Ukrgazvydobuvannya commissioned 7 new high-throughput wells, which led to an increase in production volumes by 12% compared to last year. The company plans to accumulate approximately 15 billion cubic meters. m of blue fuel in the current year.

Naftogaz plans to accumulate enough resources to supply the country with gas through next winter, and is confident that the reserves planned to accumulate will be sufficient even with an additional reserve.



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