WAKS took custody of the deputy chairman of the KSCA: pledge - UAH 15 million

The Supreme Anti -Corruption Court of Ukraine (VAKS) decided to take the deputy head of the Kyiv City State Administration (KSCA) by Petro Olenich. At the same time, the court identified an alternative in the form of a collateral of UAH 15 million.

About it reports ABSURTION LEAKS.

In addition, several other officials and deputies of the Kyiv City Council, who are suspected in corruption schemes related to land issues and misplacing, have been arrested.

Who else got under arrest:

  • Kyiv City Council deputy Olena Marchenko - the court identified her pre -trial detention with the possibility of making 50 million hryvnias.
  • The chairman of the Standing Commission of the Kyiv City Council on Architecture, Mistoplancy and Land Relations Mikhail Terentyev - he was arrested with an alternative to collateral at 19.98 million hryvnias.
  • The court also took into custody three other persons involved in the case. The amount of paths for them is 8 million, 7 million and 4.5 million hryvnias, respectively.

Petro Olenich, who was arrested until April 6, holds the position of deputy chairman of the KSCA and is responsible for land issues and urban planning in Kiev. Earlier, law enforcement officers reported that they were investigating corruption schemes in the field of land relations, which could cause significant losses of the capital's budget.

The pledge of 50 million hryvnias for deputy Elena Marchenko has become one of the largest in this case, which may indicate the seriousness of her suspicions.

The court sessions in this case are ongoing, and so far the officials remain in custody. If they do not pledge, will remain under arrest until April.

Recall that the National Anti -Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) conducts investigative actions with businessman Denis Komarnitsky, which is considered a key figure in the construction sphere of the capital.



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