WACS approved the Agreement on the Finery of Bribery by the SBU employee

The Supreme Anti -Corruption Court (VAKS) made a decision on the accomplice of the SBU employee Sergei Pankush, who participated in the scheme of obtaining undue benefit. He was appointed 8 years of imprisonment, but the court released him from serving a sentence of three years.

The senior operative in the particularly important cases of the SBU in Vinnytsia region in 2023 received electronic documents on the possible commission of crimes by the head of the border service department. The documents referred to the personal life of the border guard.

In the past, SBIvets himself worked in the border service. So now, having such documents in his hands, he seems to have decided to enrich and receive an undue benefit.

Due to the fear of exposing, the SBU employee involved a friend who was not a law enforcement officer in his plan, and handed him compromising materials on a flash drive. Subsequently, the accomplice met with the border guard and showed him these documents and explained that he operates not one, but in the group with persons who conducted this unspoken observation and who decide everything.

The border guard was given a piece of paper with a crystalline wallet number that had to be transferred to money.

It was about $ 5,000 a month and $ 350,000 once. The border guard allegedly transferred $ 5,000, and then another $ 160 and $ 190,000. Only then did he turn to law enforcement agencies and further transferred 3,000 dollars under their control.

The SBU employee received money in cash, which he was brought by the accomplice after the exchange of cryptocurrency.

After exposing, the crime committee concluded an agreement and undertook to cooperate with law enforcement officers in criminal proceedings both in respect of an SBU employee and a border guard.

According to the court, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison, but was released, setting a probation for 3 years.



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