Spring brings not only warmth, but also a number of important holidays that symbolize love, unity, tradition and spiritual renewal . This is a period when Ukrainians honor their family, women, nature and history. Here is an overview of the seven key spring holidays that fill our days with joy and content.
We suggest you get acquainted with the main holidays of this time of year, which will create a wonderful atmosphere and add festive joy to everyday life.
March 8 is the day of struggle for women's rights
It is a holiday that is global and dedicated to the honor of women around the world. In Ukraine, International Women's Day is not only a day when we are gratitude to women for their strength and endurance, but also a moment in order to assess the importance of equality, respect and support in society. In Ukraine, this day is usually celebrated as a day of gratitude to women, giving them flowers, gifts and warm words. It is also a day when measures are held to support equal rights and opportunities for women in all areas of life.
March 20 - Spring Equinox
Spring equinox is an astronomical moment when day and night are equal in duration that symbolizes the beginning of spring. This is a great time to restore and harmony with nature. On this day, people often celebrate the arrival of heat, which gives hope for new endeavors. For many, it is also an opportunity to arrange purification rites, adjust to the positive and fill your life with light.
April 1 - Laugh Day
Laughter Day or Fool Day is a festive day when it is customary to joke, to play friends and friends, to give smiles and fun. This holiday has become a tradition in many countries of the world, and in Ukraine it is often celebrated with humor, maintaining a light and positive mood. On this day, it is allowed to break the rules a little, but still within good and understanding.
April 13 - Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is an important religious holiday in Ukraine that precedes Easter. This holiday symbolizes the entrance of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem when people met Him in palm branches. In Ukraine, however, this holiday is celebrated by willow branches that are consecrated in the church. Palm Sunday is not only a spiritual holiday, but also the beginning of Lent.
April 20 - Easter
Easter is one of the greatest Christian holidays that symbolizes the Resurrection and a new life. It is a holiday that unites people, gives the opportunity to restore spiritual strength, meet with family and friends. In Ukraine, Easter is celebrated according to the Orthodox calendar, and this is a time for traditional rituals: festive prayer, consecration of Easter and eggs. Easter is not just a religious holiday, but also time to gather a family circle and spend time with loved ones.
May 1 - Labor Day
It is an international holiday of workers, which is celebrated in many countries, including Ukraine. It symbolizes the recognition of employees' contribution to the development of society and the economy. This day is a great opportunity to spend time with family or friends, as well as pay attention to the social importance of work for everyone.
May 11 - Mother's Day
This day is celebrated by everyone who wants to honor the most important person in life - their mother. In Ukraine, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May, and this is a great opportunity to thank her mother for her care, love and support. Mother's Day is not only a holiday, but also a great opportunity to spend time with her mother, give her attention and thank her for everything she does for us.