The Verkhovna Rada limited the use of Telegram on official devices

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine introduced a ban on the use of the Telegram messenger on official devices. This decision was a consequence of the recommendations of the National Coordination Center for Cyber ​​Security of the National Security Council of Ukraine, which was caused by the need to increase the level of information security.

Restrictions in action. This is what it looks like trying to use Telegram on official devices

 - Yurchyshyn wrote, attaching the corresponding photo.


When opening Telegram on official devices, the site reports that "access is blocked in accordance with the decision of the National Cyber ​​Security Coordination Center of the National Security Council of Ukraine."

Earlier, Yurchyshyn reported that the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada will limit the use of Telegram based on the recommendation of the National Security Council.

The head of the National Council for Television and Radio Broadcasting, Olha Gerasimyuk, reported that it is forbidden to use Telegram on work computers and phones in the National Council.

The National Security Council announced a ban on Telegram on official devices of civil servants, military personnel and critical infrastructure workers. The decision was made due to threats to national security associated with the use of the messenger during the war.

The head of the Center for Countering Disinformation of the National Security Council stated that the ban on Telegram applies only to the official devices of civil servants and the military. The use of the messenger on personal smartphones is not limited.



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