The Verkhovna Rada is developing a draft law to combat desertion in the Armed Forces

The Verkhovna Rada is developing a new bill aimed at combating desertion in the Armed Forces. It is proposed not to punish soldiers for voluntarily leaving the unit (SZH) with a prison term if they return to the unit on their own before the investigation is completed.

The corresponding draft law has already been posted on the website of the Verkhovna Rada. Among the initiators of the law are well-known deputies from "Servant of the People": Fedir Venislavskyi, Serhiy Ionushas, ​​Oleksandr Bakumov, Maryana Bezugla, Yurii Zdebskyi and others. This indicates a high chance of the document's approval.

According to the draft law, more than 10,500 criminal cases were opened in January-April 2024 in relation to the SZH and more than 7,000 - for desertion. The current criminal legislation does not provide for the possibility of releasing military personnel from criminal liability for the first commission of such offenses, even if they are sincerely remorseful and wish to return to service. The absence of such provisions does not allow military personnel to continue to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine against the aggression of the Russian Federation.

The bill proposes to change this situation. If the crime (SZH or desertion) is committed for the first time, and before the end of the investigation, the person voluntarily returns to the unit, he will be released from criminal liability.

The problem of desertion is significant for Ukraine. Official data indicate tens of thousands of criminal proceedings related to the SZH and desertion. The state is forced to resort to incentive measures, such as exemption from liability in case of remorse and return to the unit.

The reasons why some Ukrainians leave their places of service include chronic overwork, psychological problems, lack of clear criteria and deadlines for demobilization, as well as cases of forced mobilization with physical pressure on the person.



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