On Saturday, March 8, sunny and warm weather is expected in Ukraine. Columns of thermometers throughout the country will show +13 ° ... +16 °, and in places up to +19 °. Rain is not predicted, only a small cloud in some regions.
Weather forecast by region
The event of Ukraine is dry, a little cloudy. Temperature +15 °… +17 °, in Transcarpathia - up to +19 °.
The northern regions are spring weather, +15 °… +18 °, without precipitation.
The East of Ukraine is the hardest, +13 °… +15 °, with changing cloudiness.
The center of the country is +10 °… +16 °, in places up to +18 ° (Vinnytsia region, south of Dnipropetrovsk).
South of Ukraine - +15 °… +19 °, clear or slightly cloudy sky.
The weather continues to please spring heat, but in some regions, small colds and precipitation are possible in the coming days.
Recommendation: If you plan the weekend in nature - the perfect time for walks, because no rains are expected.