Vice President of the European Commission: Ukraine's accession to the EU is a matter of years, not decades

The Vice-President of the European Commission for Values ​​and Transparency, Vera Yurova, expressed her attitude to the terms of Ukraine's accession to the EU, indicating that this process should not last for decades, but requires a certain amount of time.

"I would prefer to talk about years," Yurova stressed, answering a question about the terms of Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

She compared Ukraine with other countries, such as Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania, which have already started accession negotiations. She noted that the Union will not expand this year, and therefore negotiations will not take place quickly.

Yurova expressed satisfaction with the fact that the concept of "full membership or no membership" no longer applies. She noted that candidate states can approach the EU in various areas, such as digital, energy and transport communication, as well as recognition of qualifications and limited access to the European market. According to her, Ukraine can achieve this before joining the EU.

As for territorial problems, Yurova believes that solving them before accession is a morally difficult task. She recognized Ukraine's efforts in waging war and carrying out reforms, pointing out that joining the EU would be a difficult process, requiring the adaptation of all Ukrainian laws to European legislation.



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