Power outages in Ukraine can last up to six hours every day this summer

According to the forecast of Oleksandr Kharchenko, director of the Energy Research Center, Ukrainian consumers may face long power outages this summer, which may last up to six hours a day. This problem is the result of a number of factors that affect the country's energy system and threaten its normal functioning.

"Outages will occur even under a moderately optimistic scenario of the development of events. And in the worst case scenario, there will be no access to electricity for 4-6 hours a day," said Kharchenko.

According to him, in order for Ukraine to pass the winter without blackouts or with minimal restrictions, the following conditions must be met: restoration of the maximum of damaged power; maximum load of nuclear power plants; availability of excess energy in the EU for its maximum import of 2 GW.

"We lost up to 7 GW of generation and damaged electricity distribution facilities - substations and networks. Therefore, I am not an optimist in this matter. "Ukraine is unlikely to pass the peaks of consumption in July-August and in winter without restrictions," Kharchenko said.

That is, while the government paints a rosy picture for Ukrainians, and Galushchenko says that the country's energy system is intact, the scenario of the "black winter", which everyone was warned about last winter, in 2024-2025, becomes quite real, since the heat and energy infrastructure has been removed.



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