Construction work on the restoration of the Ohmatdit Children's Hospital, which took place as a result of the attack of the Russian Federation in July 2024, is planned to begin in May-June this year. Health Minister Viktor Lyashko will complete his work on project documentation, and all examinations and bidding will be conducted in April to select a contractor.
Okhmatdit continues to work, conducting important surgery, thanks to anti-avalas, which allowed the hospital to work in the autumn and winter. According to Lyashko, construction work must be completed before the cold this year, and in connection with the repairs already agreed facades of the building.
The issue of restoration of the old surgical corps is also solved separately, for which a tender for renovation is carried out. The minister noted that there are two options for this corps: its complete wear and construction of a new one or a reconstruction within the existing walls. Financing from the World Bank is involved.
Lyashko also added that the victims have already been collected on the innovative building of the hospital, and the state separated an additional UAH 300 million for restoration. Recovery of Ohmatdit Hospital remains a place and financially provided with a project that does not face problematic resources.