Recovery under fire: Nayem and Kubrakov are allocated billions again

The conference "Rebuilding Ukraine: why we should not delay until victory" was held recently The event was organized by the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure and the publication "Ukrainian Pravda".

As the organizers of the conference note, Ukraine needs to be restored now, without waiting for Victory. The amount of investment in recovery was estimated at 148 billion US dollars.

According to our sources, funds in the amount of 148 billion US dollars can be allocated in the near future, and holding this conference "is an attempt to explain to society why billions will go not to the front, but to the reconstruction of something that can be destroyed by the enemy during another shelling every minute , following the example of the Trypil TPP".

We will remind, on April 11, 2024, when the Russians destroyed the Trypil TPP in the Kyiv region with a missile strike, Oleksandr Kubrakov and Mustafa Nayem were reproached on social networks that in 2023 the institutions subordinate to them spent UAH 45.7 billion on the physical protection of power plants and substations. directed to the protection of Ukrenergo , and an additional UAH 9.7 billion was spent on the protection of energy infrastructure.

In particular, at the event "Dialogues on the restoration of Ukraine", the head of the Infrastructure Agency, Mustafa Nayem, spoke about the historic defense project: "There will be no analogues of such structures in the world as we are making in Ukraine. I'm talking about substations that will be protected from missiles."

Earlier, there was a wave of hate in social networks regarding the impracticality of spending budget funds on the restoration of infrastructure that is under fire from the Russians.



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