A conscript from the Cherkasy region was sentenced to three years for evading mobilization

A conscript from the Cherkasy region was sentenced to three years for evading mobilization.

According to the court register, a conscript from the Cherkasy region, who was found guilty of evading conscription, was sentenced to three years in prison. He was accused of not taking a "combat" summons and not appearing on the specified date.

The accused partially pleaded guilty, claiming that he did not consider himself fit for service due to his health. However, the court took into account that expert opinions confirmed his suitability and considers his behavior to be deliberate negligence of his duty to protect the Motherland.

The conscript reported that he has been suffering from mestamponitis (a chronic inflammatory process in the middle ear) since he was 28 years old and provided relevant hospital discharges. However, the VLK's final report indicated that his hearing had improved.

In addition, in court, the accused doubted the legality of the operation of the district territorial centers of staffing and social support (TCC and SP), saying that there is no information about these institutions in the unified register. He also called contract military service "slavery".

The man also expressed skepticism about the introduction of martial law in the country, since, in his opinion, during martial law, everyone without exception should be drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces, and currently they are drafted selectively. He explained that he did not understand why healthy people should die. He added that he "has nothing to fight for in Donetsk region."

Themis questioned a number of witnesses. In particular, the members of the VLK confirmed: they gave the accused a one-month reprieve so that he could receive treatment. After that, a repeat examination was conducted, which showed that the disease is not progressing. They added: the defendant's chronic illness does not affect his suitability for military service.

The TCC employee summoned to the court noted that the accused was given time (several months) to resolve his household affairs related to the management of the economy. However, he did not use it.

It was reported that a similar case happened in the Khmelnytskyi region, where the court also found the unemployed man guilty of evading the draft. The accused claimed that he did not recognize the legality of the presidential decrees on martial law, but the court considered his actions a violation of constitutional duties and sentenced him to three years of imprisonment.

Previously, a similar case took place in Sumy Oblast, where an unemployed man received three years for evading conscription for military service during mobilization.



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