The National Anti-Corruption Agency (NAPC) exposed a paramedic of the 18th Regional Military Medical Commission of the Southern Region Svetlana Pashchenko in the concealment of a large part of its property. According to the results of the audit of its declaration for 2023, it was established that the official did not enter the asset for a total amount of UAH 2.16 million.
Pashchenko declared herself as an employee of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, but hid a real position-a paramedic of the Military Medical Commission, which was appointed order since 2019. Experts suggest that this could be done intentionally so as not to draw attention to the difference between its official income and wealth.
In addition, the official has not made Vasyl Pashchenko to the declaration of her husband, who has been married since 1989. She explained this that she allegedly did not keep in touch with him in 2008, but the NAPC investigation has denied this version. In particular, joint trips of spouses abroad in 2022-2024, as well as the fact of her notarial consent for the acquisition of real estate, were found.
The list of undeclared property included:
- Apartment in Kiev (33.2 square meters), purchased in 2017 for 385 thousand UAH.
- Residential building (43.1 square meters), decorated with its consent.
- The corporate rights of the man in the Ukrainian company "Ukrainian Center for Engineering" (15.2 thousand UAH) and the Bulgarian "Consalt Engineering Ltd" (50 lions).
- Untcalanted income of the man - 126 thousand UAH from wages and contracts.
In addition, Pashchenko did not specify an apartment in Odessa (66.9 square meters), where she actually lives and registered. Formally, its owner is Valeria's daughter, but under the law, the official was obliged to declare the right to use. The estimated cost of this housing is UAH 1.57 million.
Another suspicious moment was the reduction of the cost of the Nissan Rogue car (2016), purchased in 2021. The declaration states that the cost of the car is "unknown", although its market price is at least UAH 164.9 thousand. According to the NAPC, it is intentionally done to hide the real amount of the transaction.
Violations fall under Art. 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine ("Declaration of false information") and can lead to criminal responsibility of the paramedic. The materials were transferred to law enforcement agencies for further consideration.