The owner of "Pyatnytsia" and "Avtoradio" Denys Kozlitin restructured the holding

In 2023, Denys Kozlitin, who combines the professions of lawyer and TV manager, restructured his media holding "Rozvitok". The holding includes radio stations "Pyatnytsia" and "Avtoradio" (legal entities LLC "Noviy Obry", LLC "More. FM", LLC "Avtoradio Pivden" LLC and "Autoradio Ukraine" LLC), a salehouse LLC "MV Media" and the Big Kyiv portal was acquired last year. This was reported by Denys Kozlitin himself.

Big Kyiv, as stated, will focus on local Kyiv topics, turning into a small online site. At the same time, the holding company plans to develop the Radioclub project as a media player and place on it entertaining light content similar to the online version of the newspaper "Teletizhden".

Although the holding is considering the possibility of selling the Poltava Canal "Central", Denys Kozlitin identified the complication of life abroad caused by the beginning of the war as a key factor in deciding the future fate of the canal. In case of unsuccessful sales by the end of the year, the channel will probably be closed.

"MV Media" LLC Salehouse is actively working on the sale of advertising for "Avtoradio" and "Pyatnytsia" and is considering the possibility of expanding cooperation with other radio stations.

Although the holding does not yet have a profit, Denys Kozlitin indicated that the radio group is self-supporting. While planning the registration of a trademark for the "Autoradio" brand, he reveals plans to expand the network and invest in new projects, emphasizing the interest of Zaporizhzhia as a possible direction of development.

The holding also defined its transparency, promising to regularly disclose information on taxes paid and the number of employees. As of December 31, 2023, 50 people worked in the group's enterprises, and the total taxes and fees to the budgets of all levels amounted to UAH 8,360,311.



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