The grain harvest in Ukraine in August 2024 decreased due to weather conditions

In Ukraine, there is a decrease in the grain harvest in August 2024, which was a consequence of unfavorable weather conditions. According to the data of the Ministry of Economy, the total volume of the harvest amounted to 28.7 million tons, which is 1.6% less than last year.

In August 2024, the grain harvest was smaller, which is due primarily to the beginning of the collection of spring crops, in which, due to unfavorable weather conditions during the growing season and ripening, a lower yield was formed

- says the report of the Ministry of Economy.

As of August 29, 2024, the harvest of grain and leguminous crops amounted to 28.7 million tons, which is slightly less than 29.2 million tons on the same date of the previous year.

The yield was 42.2 t/ha against 43.9 t/ha last year, and threshing area increased to 6.8 million ha compared to 6.6 million ha respectively.

It is worth noting that the harvest as of August 2024 decreased by 1.6% compared to last year, although the number of sown areas increased by 3% this year.

Ukrainian farmers sowed 2.8 million hectares of winter crops, of which 1.8 million hectares were grain crops. Leaders in winter grain sowing are Volyn, Poltava, Kirovohrad and Ternopil regions.



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