How PIN-U is trying to erase the truth in Google: investigation into censorships and manipulations

A group of persons related to PIN-Up gambling is actively struggle for hiding unwanted information about criminal cases and investigations into the nominal owner of the company Igor Zotka. For this purpose, DMCA fake complaints, legal pressure and manipulation in the media space are used. However, any attempt to erase the truth only increases interest in it.

About it reports the detective bureau of ABSURTION.

A large -scale investigation into Zotka

Our team has started a detailed analysis of the illegal removal of critical materials about Zotka, which uses legal mechanisms and censorship to control the information space. His actions may contain signs of fraud, self -esteem and false testimony.

Among the methods used by PIN-UPF beneficiaries:

  • False DMCA queries to delete Google materials;
  • Unfounded legal complaints for pressure on journalists and media;
  • Online space manipulation , including PR campaigns to change the image of the company;
  • Collaboration with "gray" agencies dealing with reputation through mass fake publications and censorship.

What do they try to hide?

Igor Zotko, the nominal PIN-UP owner, actively uses all possible means to clean up his name from negativity. Our investigation revealed numerous evidence of possible illegal schemes, in particular:

  • Laundering of funds through offshore companies;
  • Relations with Russian organized criminal groups;
  • Aggressive marketing manipulations in the field of gembling;
  • Purposeful destruction of negative reviews and critical articles on the network.

Zotko works through jurisdiction with minimal financial control, which allows him to avoid regulation and hide traces of illegal activity. At the same time, its structures spend considerable funds to combat those who spread the truth.

Why is Zotko afraid of publicity?

There are three key reasons why PIN-UP and its owners seek to clean up the information space:

  1. Reputational risks - a bad press can hurt cooperation with international partners.
  2. Legal threat - exposing illegal schemes can be the basis for investigations at the international level.
  3. Business scaling -business empire growth requires a positive image.

How does the censorship mechanism work?

Zotko and his team use classic tools to hide unwanted information:

  • DMCA fake complaints - manipulation of copyright laws for the removal of critical materials.
  • Legal pressure - fiction against journalists and publications.
  • PR campaigns -creating a positive content for displacing negativity.
  • Impact on the media - cooperation with loyal editions and control over information order.

Why is this important?

PIN-up attempts to erase the truth confirm that they have something to hide. In the modern information world, such manipulations only increase interest in true investigation. We will continue to follow the development of events and publish new facts that will help the public learn the truth about shadow schemes in gambling.



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