Suppliers offer both annual fixed and monthly variables. In total, five companies provide both tariff options, while four companies operate exclusively with annual contracts.
Monthly tariffs range from 8.46 to 21.5 hryvnia per cubic meter of gas, and annuals - from 7.79 to 9.99 hryvnia.
The highest price under the monthly contract is offered by LLC "Lvivnergozbut" - 21.5 hryvnia per cubic meter. This is much more expensive than other companies on the market.
Instead, Naftogaz of Ukraine offers one of the most profitable prices on the annual contract - 7.96 hryvnia per cubic meter, with a guarantee of this tariff by the end of April 2025.
Naftogaz of Ukraine is the largest supplier in the gas market, serving more than 12 million households, which is 98% of all gas consumers in the country.
Gas prices in February 2025 in Ukraine show a significant difference between companies, with a wide range of consumer options. However, Naftogaz continues to remain the largest and most affordable supplier on the market, which guarantees stability and favorable conditions for consumers.