The last winter Sunday in Ukraine will still be frosty, but in some areas the weather will change. Forecasters forecasts, on February 23 in the west of Ukraine, the temperature will increase to small "advantages", while in the east of the country will be gloomy and snow is expected.
The west of Ukraine will be the warmest today. Here the temperature will rise to -1 ° ...+5 °. Clear and cloudless weather is expected, without precipitation.
In the north of Ukraine there will also be clear and cloudless weather, but the temperature will remain low -in the daytime the columns of thermometers will show -1 ° ... -3 °.
In the east of Ukraine today it will be gloomy and cold, the temperature will not rise above -4 ° ... -5 °. Snow is possible in places.
In the central regions there will be clear and cloudless weather with temperature in the daytime within 0 ° ... -4 °.
Clear weather is also expected in the south, the daytime will range from 0 ° to -3 ° in the daytime.
It should be noted that on February 23, by folk signs, warming begins. If the night is frosty and it will become warmer in the daytime, unstable weather is expected in March. If this day, the Thrush begins to sing, spring promises to be early.