What a holiday today, who celebrates the birthday and what cannot be done

Church holiday

Today, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of Archbishop Cyril Jerusalem. The believers have to pray for health and healing of diseases. On the folk calendar, this day is known as Cyril's day, when the peasants began spring work and nature was awakened after winter.

Holidays in Ukraine

Earlier, on March 18, Ukraine celebrated the Day of Tax and Customs Service, but since 2020 it was divided into two separate dates: Tax Day (July 2) and Customs Day (June 25).

Among the outstanding Ukrainians who were born on this day:

  • Marco Vorony - poet, translator, literary critic
  • Fedor Muravchenko - Aircraft Designer
  • Vasily Chaplenko is a writer
  • Yuriy Vinnychuk - writer, journalist
  • Vasily Ivanchuk - Ukrainian chess player and grandmaster

International holidays on March 18

  • World processing Day is a holiday dedicated to environmental responsibility, waste sorting and secondary use of materials.
  • Social work Day is a reminder of the importance of social support and charitable activities.
  • The Day of the goddess Aphrodite is a holiday associated with ancient Greek culture and mythology.
  • The day of uncomfortable moments is a fun holiday when people remember and share stories about inconvenient situations in their lives.
  • The Day of "Forgive your parents" is a reminder of the importance of family ties and mutual forgiveness.

Among the famous world figures born this day:

  • Rudolf diesel is the inventor of diesel engine
  • Grover Cleveland-22nd US President
  • Stefan Mallarme is a French poet
  • Luke Besson is a famous film director

Folk signs and prohibitions on March 18

Our ancestors believed that on March 18, trees could not be cut, trampling grass or harm to nature - it could have caused misfortune. Also, meat and dairy products should not be consumed on this day, as there is a large fast.

People's signs were associated with weather changes:

  • If the starlings have not arrived this day, the frosts will last a long time.
  • If the ducks dive into the water, then soon it warms.
  • The first flies and mosquitoes are a rich harvest of berries and mushrooms.
  • If the birch is green, the spring will be early and warm.

Angel Day is March 18

The birthday of this day is celebrated by Danilo, Dmitry, Cyril, Trochim, Natalia.

If you follow the old calendar, today also welcome Adriana, George, David, Yegor, Ivan, Constantine, Luke, Mark, Nicholas, Fedor, Jan.

March 18 is a day rich in events and traditions. Believers honor St. Cyril, ecologists celebrate World Recycling Day, and people watch the signs that herald the spring weather. Birthdays receive greetings, and many outstanding figures were born in the history of that day.



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