Air quality in Kyiv has deteriorated sharply: a dark cloud is looming over the city

On September 29, 2024, monitoring data recorded a critical drop in air quality in the Kyiv region. It is known that pollution indicators increased 5-6 times, which caused concern among the capital's residents and ecologists.

Recently, a decrease in air quality has been recorded more and more frequently in Kyiv and the Kyiv region. Previously, the capital of Ukraine was even recognized as a leader in the world ranking of air pollution with an index of 176 AQI. On the morning of September 29, monitoring groups again recorded a drop in air quality in the Kyiv region.

Kyiv cloudFullscreen
A cloud approaching Kyiv

According to SaveEcoBot data, as of 8:00 a.m. on September 29, the air quality in the capital and Kyiv region dropped 5-6 times. At the same time, Brovarsky district of Kyiv region is called the leader in terms of pollution, the capital is in second place in the ranking. According to the air quality index, the level of pollution was "orange" in the following settlements:

  • the city of Zazimya;
  • the city of Brovary;
  • Hora village;
  • the village of Pukhivka;
  • Hnidyn village;
  • the city of Kyiv.

According to Obozrevatel, in several other cities and villages of the region, noticeable smoke and the smell of burning are reported by local residents. Some monitoring groups have also reported that "strange clouds" are approaching Kyiv from the region, as if a high level of smog is expected in the city. However, others refute this theory, warning that the appearance of clouds is related to "normal rainy autumn weather" and not a deterioration in air quality.

It should be noted that earlier the KMVA commented on the temporary deterioration of the air in the Kyiv region: the cause of the smog in the capital and the region was called fires in the ecosystem of the Kyiv region and a change in the direction of the wind. Local residents were also advised to monitor the air quality and radiation background in the capital and the region using the Kyiv Digital application or SaveEcoBot.

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The most polluted settlements in the Kyiv region
Photo: SaveEcoBot

How to protect yourself from smog

Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all way to protect yourself from smog and smoke while outdoors, but experts have given some advice:

  • keep the windows closed;
  • limit the time spent outside;
  • increase water consumption;
  • use an air purifier in your apartment and office if possible.


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