On Friday, December 20, a change in weather conditions is expected in Ukraine with a drop in temperature in some regions. Mostly cloudy weather, rain in some places, but there will also be cloudless areas.
Weather in Kyiv
In the capital, the temperature will drop to +1° at night, and rise to +4° during the day. Cloudy weather with clearings, rain is possible closer to the night. The wind is south and southwest, 5-10 m/s. Atmospheric pressure will remain low, at the level of 739-742 mm of mercury.
Regional forecast
- Lviv: cloudy, light rain, temperature at night +1°, during the day +5°.
- Lutsk: cloudy, raining, temperature at night +2°, during the day +6°.
- Level: overcast, light rain, +2° at night, +5° during the day.
- Ternopil: +2° at night, +6° during the day, overcast, light rain.
- Khmelnytskyi: slightly cloudy, +1° at night, +6° during the day.
- Ivano-Frankivsk: overcast, +3° at night, +7° during the day.
- Uzhgorod: overcast, light rain, +4° at night, +5° during the day.
- Chernivtsi: overcast, light rain, +2° at night, +6° during the day.
- Vinnytsia: light clouds, light rain, from 0° to +5°.
- Zhytomyr: cloudy with clearings, +2° at night, +6° during the day.
- Chernihiv: cloudy with clearings, temperature 0°...+4°.
- Cherkasy: cloudy with clearings, +2° at night, +7° during the day.
- Kropyvnytskyi: slightly cloudy, +5° at night, +10° during the day.
- Poltava: +4°...+7°, slight cloudiness.
- Odesa: slightly cloudy, +6° at night, +10° during the day.
- Kherson: clear, +6° at night, +12° during the day.
- Mykolaiv: slightly cloudy, +7° at night, +11° during the day.
- Zaporizhzhia: almost cloudless, +3° at night, +8° during the day.
- Sumy: overcast, +2° at night, +5° during the day.
- Kharkiv: slightly cloudy, +3° at night, +5° during the day.
- Dnipro: almost cloudless, +4° at night, +7° during the day.
- Simferopol: clear, temperature +5°...+12°.
- Kramatorsk: clear, +2° at night, +8° during the day.
- Severodonetsk: clear, +2° at night, +6° during the day.
Tips from forecasters
- In regions with rain, drivers should be careful due to possible slippery roads.
- In cities with strong winds, it is recommended to avoid being near trees and advertising structures.
- Residents of the central and southern regions are advised to take advantage of the last warm days of the year.
In general, Ukraine is preparing for changeable weather conditions with moderate cooling and precipitation in some areas.