From March 1, 2025, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine has published an updated list of medicines that have been reduced. However, this step caused criticism from the famous pediatrician and medical expert Yevgeny Komarovsky. According to the new list of drugs, it contains its outdated and ineffective medicines that can be dangerous for use.
If you have a surprise, then I, to be honest, such a skeptical smile. It is generally at anecdote level
According to him, the most question is not only the principle of formation of the list, but also the fact that the state has decided to reduce prices for drugs that doctors almost do not use in modern medicine, such as Levomycetin, Corvalol and Aspirin in large doses.
For example, I was struck by the fact that this list has levomycetin. What is treated with levomycetin in the 21st century? I try to understand. In addition to typhoid fever, Levomycetin treats nothing. Our people swallow Levomycetin in any diarrhea, so we will also create the conditions for them to eat it even more. That is, we, it turns out, help people engage in nonsense, to say the least, encourage them
In his opinion, prices should only be reduced by prescription drugs - there should be a list of vital drugs, and they should become more accessible.
I wrote so many times how many people, instead of getting normal treatment for hypertension or coronary heart disease, sit at home, suck validol and swallow corvalol. It is actually killer medicine. There is no such drug as Corvalol in any country in the world. Because it's a terrible mistake. Barbiturates are generally prescription, very dangerous. And we reduce the prices because people like it
He also added that state interference in market relations never ended with anything good.
Why do we discuss the price at all? The state began to regulate the market, market relations? Perfectly. I do not remember the cases where it would end well. I understand that this list of medicines is a cherry on a cake. They also write there about regulating, for example, a mark -up that a pharmacy can make. But the price is formed not only because of it. The price also depends on the cost set by the manufacturer. It turns out that we do not affect the manufacturer, but we influence the pharmacy. So I have doubts. Where did this decision of the state come from?
On February 12, a NSDC meeting was held, which decided to reduce 30% of the cost of 100 medicines. Other medicines should be cheaper by 20%. On February 13, the President put this NSDC decision.
The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has published two lists of medicines, which have been reduced from March 1. However, doctors and patients have criticized him, because of them, among other things, drugs without proven efficacy: Corvalol, Validol, Urolesan, Hepatoprotectors, Furacillin, Reosorbilact, Alohol, Mucaltin, Sonmil, Ascorbica (in various forms), new.