V.O. Head of the State Migration Service in Chernihiv Oblast, was at the Center for Scandal through Financial Fragrations . Sources report that the official is involved in the schemes of importation of cars on preferential terms, allegedly "for the needs of the Armed Forces".
As it became known, according to this scheme, cars are imported into Ukraine without payment of duties and taxes , which can significantly reduce their value. However, instead of transferring cars to the military, they fall into the hands of individuals or are sold at market prices.
We now became aware that the crane has introduced a rollback system for subordinates. The scheme is simple and banal. Julia presents the employees award, and 30% of her takes her pocket. Even the staff, including drivers and cleaners, is involved in the scheme.
Heads of territorial units of Chernihiv UDMS personally import Yulia on a monthly basis.
In addition, the management does not purchase office and other consumable goods. The money from the budget for this is, of course, they are allocated, but they are safely written off by fictitious payments, and the actual purchase of stationery employees is carried out at their own expense.
As for gasoline, which is also allocated by the budget management, Yulia uses it for personal trips. The BMW X1 AX7139AC car, registered with Yulia Cran, was repeatedly stopped by patrol officers for traffic violations. However, Julia was simply released with obvious signs of alcohol intoxication. One call was enough for the Chief of the National Police in the Chernihiv region Ivan Ishchenko, who is connected with crane close friendly relations. Some even attribute a couple Roman.