Yurii Golik - the architect of "Great Theft"

Yuriy Golik, a key figure in the "Great Construction" project, found himself under the crosshairs of law enforcement agencies due to accusations of unscrupulous activity. During his career, Golik used his influence and position to manipulate state contracts and funds intended for infrastructure projects, resulting in significant financial losses for the state. So in this investigation, we decided to investigate his path in the civil service.

Yuri Golik was born on December 21, 1977 in Luhansk. In 1999, he received a degree in finance and credit from the Volodymyr Dal University of Eastern Ukraine.

In 1998, while still a student, Golik started working as an advertising sales manager in the Luhansk regional editorial office of the Telenedelya newspaper. Soon he became the commercial director of radio station "Europa Plus" in Luhansk.

In 1999, he bought a part of the business in "Telenedel" from the owner of Ukrainian Media Holding Borys Lozhkin and became the head and co-owner of the new company. Under his leadership, the company published a newspaper, owned a radio station, a free classifieds newspaper, an outdoor advertising company, and a retail distribution network of newspapers and magazines.

In 2007, Golik sold his media business in Luhansk and founded a new one - the newspaper and free classifieds site "Besplatka". In 2013, his company became one of the largest in terms of advertising revenue among publishing houses.

In 2012, Golik was joined by Valentyn Reznychenko, head of the UMH radio group, in order to increase revenues from advertising on radio stations. After the sale of UMH by Boris Lozhkin in 2013, Reznychenko and Golik left the company.

Yuriy Golik's political career began in 2014, although the prerequisite for this was his meeting in 1999 with Boris Lozhkin, who was a close associate of Petro Poroshenko. After Poroshenko was elected president, Lozhkin became the head of his administration.

A few months after that, a close friend of Golik, Valentin Reznychenko, was appointed governor and held this position for the longest time in the history of independence - 1,557 days. At the presentation of the new head of the regional state administration, everyone knew that Reznychenko is Lozhkin's protégé and will work for the benefit of his patrons. Despite the fact that Reznychenko held the position for more than 4 years, he was not remembered for significant achievements. However, his freelance adviser Golik, who presented all the positive news of the region and was the main ideologist of the PR service of the regional administration, was visible everywhere.

Everything was going well for Golik, but the situation in the region was not the best. Despite the policy of the government and regional state administration regarding large-scale construction and repair of roads, the roads of Dnipropetrovsk region remained in very poor condition, and the purchased asphalt cost 1.5 to 2 times more than the market price.

At the end of 2019, deputies of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council from "Batkivshchyna" claimed that over the past 4 years, the Reznychenko-Golik duo had adapted tenders to the desired enterprises for 10-15% of the purchase price.

These facts prompted the deputies of the regional council to create a temporary control commission with the involvement of an external audit to examine the facts of theft during road repairs. Such methods of fighting Golik turned out to be completely ineffective.

At that time, criminal proceedings No. 120180400000000232 were initiated on the fact of misappropriation of funds by officials assigned to the construction and maintenance of infrastructure. Between 2015 and 2019, 8 different companies received 130 billion hryvnias for road repair and construction.

These companies had one thing in common: they were created within a year and registered as shell companies. For example, "Budinvest Engineering" LLC, founded on November 19, 2015, issued an invoice for the repair of 8 kilometers of the Malozakharyno-Bogatoe-Solnechnoe road for 61.2 million UAH, while other enterprises performed similar repairs 2-2.5 times cheaper.

In just a few years, "Budinvest Engineering" received half a billion hryvnias from the regional administration only for roads, not taking into account other areas of activity, such as construction, maintenance services for indoor heating and water supply networks, and cleaning of residential areas.

After the victory of Volodymyr Zelenskyi in the elections, the field staff was updated. In the summer of 2019, the head of the Dnipropetrovsk OGA Valentina Reznychenko was dismissed. His adviser Golik also lost the possibility of influence, but later he reappeared in big politics as an adviser to the newly elected Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk. Honcharuk Golik advised the possibility of receiving 30% kickbacks for road repair, as the state budget for 2020 provided the largest amount for this in all years of independence — more than 113 billion hryvnias.

Meanwhile, the "Big Construction" program began in Ukraine, according to which it was planned to build hundreds of objects, the curator of which in the government was Yuriy Golik, despite the scandals in the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration. He himself told about this in an interview for Liga.net.

Answering a question about what areas he deals with as an adviser to the prime minister, Golik said: "I coordinate certain things. In particular, the "Big Construction" project provided for the construction of 100 schools, 100 kindergartens, and 100 stadiums in 2020. I was involved in the project to work with 212 reception departments throughout the country."

Golik, as an adviser to the prime minister, focused his efforts on developing recommendations for regional administrations and direct executors on effective project management.

"My role consisted in forming an ideology, writing a work scheme (including the dates of adoption of certain orders of the Cabinet of Ministers), determining those responsible, writing manuals for designers and contractors, as well as explaining to everyone the essence - how to do it. Simply put: see what's wrong, explain how it should be, and then the officials themselves already translate it into some legal forms," ​​Golik described his duties.

In addition to the construction of infrastructure facilities for children and medical institutions, according to the publication, Golik's area of ​​responsibility also included large-scale road construction, as part of which the government planned to repair all 24,000 km of main Ukrainian roads in five years. In 2020, as the prime minister's adviser noted in an interview, a record amount of over 100 billion hryvnias was involved in the repair and construction of roads.

Of course, such investments by the state carried prospects of "kickbacks" for people engaged in large-scale construction, in particular for Yurii Golik. And the scandals regarding corruption during the construction with the participation of Golik did not make themselves wait.

On May 14, 2020, the head of Ukravtodor Oleksandr Kubrakov visited the Zhytomyr region to check the progress of reconstruction works on the M-06 Kyiv-Chop road, which has been ongoing for the third year.

The contract for the reconstruction of this road worth 42 million euros was signed back in 2017 with the Chinese corporation "Synohydro Corporation Limited", with a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The company had to expand the road to four lanes as part of the Europe-Asia national corridor.

However, by 2020, the contractors were still continuing the renovations without meeting the established deadlines. Oleksandr Kubrakov personally came to inspect the reconstruction and spoke rather harshly:

"We are doing everything possible so that the contracting organization within the framework of a joint project with the World Bank can complete its work on time. But we see that the pace of work is far from desired. I believe that this is a matter of reputation. We all observe how this company works. At stake, I think, is the reputation not only of them, but also of other Chinese companies. When we are told that Chinese companies are ready to enter the market, we, all residents of Ukraine, will form our opinion depending on how this project will be implemented. Therefore, I believe that not only their reputation is at stake here, but also the reputation of other Chinese companies. I think they feel it and understand it."

Threats to the contractor were immediately discussed in social networks, where Yurii Golik reposted with a comment like "look at what international companies are bad, and you complain that we don't allow them into the market."

After being dismissed from the post of adviser to Prime Minister Honcharuk and chairman of Ukravtodor, Yuriy Golik did not hold any official position, but he was already actively speaking out on road construction issues not only on Facebook.

Instead, in the spring of 2020, the Highway Service in the Dnipropetrovsk region announced a tender for almost 2 billion hryvnias to repair 75 kilometers of the M-04 road. Ukravtodor has once again included in the tender documentation its "filter" against unwanted tender participants, which allows only a few companies that are members of the National Association of Road Workers of Ukraine to pass through.

In April, Sinohydro Corporation Limited, one of China's largest construction corporations, successfully challenged these criteria at the Antimonopoly Committee, claiming that it has international long-term successful experience in the construction of highways, but the completed contracts did not fit into the time frame provided by the documentation. The AMCU tender board obliged Dnipropetrovsk SAD to clear the tender documentation of discriminatory flaws.

Therefore, the provocation of Yurii Golik with the aim of bringing the "necessary people" to the reconstruction of the road failed.

At the same time, at the beginning of April 2020, the adviser to the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the coordinator of the National Infrastructure Development Program "Major Construction" Yurii Golik announced that the construction of the N-31 Dnipro-Reshetylivka highway will be completed in 2020. 10.6 billion hryvnias were allocated to construction works in the same year.

The construction of the H-31 highway, which has been going on for several years, was characterized by Yurii Golik as the largest project in the field of road construction in Ukraine. He noted that the works started from scratch in the fields and swamps. In addition, the journalists learned that real battles were fought for the opportunity to work on such a project.

"After completion of construction, the road should connect the cities of Mariupol, Dnipro, Kyiv and Lviv. Initially, it was planned that the track would be built within 3-4 years. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy set the task of fully completing the construction in 2020. His assignment will be carried out," Yurii Golik promised.

Then the road began to be built at a rapid pace. Work in the territory of the Dnipropetrovsk region was carried out around the clock.

According to Dmytro Chumachenko, the head of the highway service in the Dnipropetrovsk region, at that time the workers were completing the laying of the third layer of asphalt concrete, applying markings, and planting roadsides. After that, it was possible to start traffic on the new route.

"The road section will be commissioned in parts. In the near future, we will open the first 11 kilometers in Petrykivka. The rest of the sites will be opened later," said Dmytro Chumachenko.

Construction of the new track began in 2017. First as the road of regional importance P-52, and then as the road of national importance H-31. Tenders for the construction of the R-52 road, and later the N-31 road, which passes through the region, were conducted by the highway service in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

The first tender was held in June 2017. It was won by the Odesa company "Automagistral-Yug", connected to the entourage of the mayor of Odesa, Gennady Trukhanov.

According to the contract, "Automagistral-Yug" was to build 1,940 meters of road.

The company requested 148,162,500 hryvnias for its services. Accordingly, one meter of road cost the state budget 76,372 hryvnias.

In October 2017, the Highway Service in the Dnipropetrovsk region held another tender for the construction of 1,900 meters of the R-52 road.

The winner again became "Automagistral-Yug" LLC. The company's price offer amounted to 166,895,100 hryvnias. Thus, one meter of road construction cost 87,839 hryvnias.

A few weeks later, the Highway Service announced a tender for the construction of the H-31 highway of state importance. In general, according to the technical task, it was necessary to build 7,560 meters of road.

The tender was held only a year later - on October 3, 2018. With a price offer of 427,995,000, the tender was won by a new contractor — Onur Construction International LLC. The cost of one meter of road construction at this company turned out to be lower than the price of Avtomagistral-Yug in 2017. It amounted to 56,613 hryvnias per meter of road construction.

The co-founders of "Onur Construction International" were Onur and Iskhan Cetinjevyz from Turkey, as well as Oleg Farion from Lviv. The company is registered in Kyiv.

According to media reports, "Onur Construction International" is in the sphere of influence of former People's Deputy and first deputy head of the BPP faction Igor Kononenko.

In November 2018, the Highway Service in the Dnipropetrovsk region held a tender for the construction of 1,000 meters of the N-31 road.

The tender was won by the company "Automagistral-Yug", whose price offer turned out to be the most profitable and amounted to 220,000,000 hryvnias. The price of one meter of road amounted to 220,000 hryvnias.

Last year, the Highway Service in the Dnipropetrovsk region also held a number of tenders for the continuation of the construction of the H-31 route. One of them took place on May 20. According to the terms of reference, the winning bidder had to build 2,055 meters of road.

The already familiar Avtomagistral-Yug company won the tender, requesting 280,999,000 hryvnias for its services. Thus, the price of one meter of road amounted to 136,739 hryvnias.

On May 29, the Highway Service in the Dnipropetrovsk region held another tender for the construction of 3,500 meters of the N-31 road.

And it was won again by "Automagistral-Yug", whose price offer amounted to 508,999,999 hryvnias. Thus, a meter of the constructed road cost 145,428 hryvnias.

Three months later, in August, a tender was held for the construction of 1,500 meters of the H-31 road.

With a price offer of 275,999,999 hryvnias, it was won by Automagistral-Yug LLC. The company received 183,999 hryvnias for the construction of one meter of track.

"Automagistral-Yug" continued to win tenders for the construction of the H-31 highway this year as well. Thus, in April, the company received another contract from the Highway Service in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

"Automagistral-Yug" was supposed to build 2,200 meters of road for 361,999,998 hryvnias.

And this means that a meter of track construction costs 164,545 hryvnias.

A few days ago, the Highway Service held another tender for the construction of the H-31 road. The most favorable price offer turned out to be "Automagistral-Yug" LLC. It amounted to 623,999,999 hryvnias. With this money, the company has to build 3,100 meters of track. And this means that one meter of road will cost 201,290 hryvnias.

On April 21, the client of the construction works announced its intention to conclude a contract with its favorite, "Automagistral-Yug". With a high degree of probability, it is this company that will continue the construction of the road and complete it.

Of course, many factors affect the cost of road construction. This is a list of types of work that must be performed by the contractor, the complexity of these works, and the increase in the dollar exchange rate, which is reflected in the price of construction materials, fuel and lubricants. Most likely, this explains why the construction cost of one meter of the H-31 route ranges from 56,613 hryvnias to 220,000 hryvnias. But given the fact that last year the "construction of the century" was interested in law enforcement officers, we assume that the cost was also influenced by the corruption component, which, unfortunately, no construction can do without.

In November 2019, proceedings No. 42019040000000710 were entered into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations under Part 3 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Empropriation, embezzlement of property or possession of it by abuse of official position).

According to the decision of the October District Court dated November 21, 2019, within the framework of which the prosecutors applied for the seizure of funds of the Highway Service in the Dnipropetrovsk region, law enforcement officers suspected employees of this Service and officials of Automagistral-Yug LLC in a criminal conspiracy. The purpose of the conspiracy is to embezzle budget funds during road construction.

According to law enforcement officials, the conspirators created a scheme that allowed to inflate the cost of road construction works. In addition to representatives of the Highway Service in the Dnipropetrovsk region and Automagistral-Yug LLC, representatives of the State Fiscal Service and the State Highway Agency of Ukraine "Ukravtodor" were also participants in this illegal scheme.

"But why is Yuri Golik here?" - you ask. At the end of May 2021, journalists revealed the involvement of the curator of "Great Peasants" and his connections with the presidential administration.

During the first five months of 2021, the company "Automagistral-Yug", associated with the deputy chairman of the OP Kyryll Tymoshenko, signed documents for the implementation of nine tenders for the repair of roads in the Kharkiv region for a total amount of almost 5 billion hryvnias. For comparison, in the previous four years, from 2017 to 2020, the same company collected contracts worth UAH 5-6 billion, according to the Prozorro procurement system. In total, in Ukraine, "Automagistral-Yug" won tenders worth almost 29 billion hryvnias.

This sharp rise in tender victories in the Kharkiv region coincided with the appointment of Aina Tymchuk to the post of head of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration at the end of November 2020. Tymchuk, a native of Dnipro, like Tymoshenko, has a long experience of working in managerial positions in the local government of this city.

The company "Automagistral-Yug", formally registered in Odesa, has a branch in Dnipro, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which is called "Dnipropetrovsk Construction Management". This, along with other factors, indicates a close connection of the firm with the region.

However, among the key figures who contributed to the company's success, a special place is occupied by Yurii Golik. He played a decisive role in the strategy of expanding the firm's presence at public tenders in Ukraine. Yurii Golik, who worked as a permanent adviser in Dnipropetrovsk OGA, had considerable experience in organizing tenders through the ProZorro system. Despite the formal status of a freelance adviser, which does not oblige him to submit e-declarations, Golik remained inaccessible to accusations of corruption.

When Kyrylo Tymoshenko became the deputy head of the President's Office, Golik received the position of adviser on "Big Construction" issues and continued to oversee the construction and repair of infrastructure facilities, where he did not hold formal full-time positions. Under his influence, "Automagistral-Yug" was able to gain an advantage in tender procedures, winning the most profitable contracts.

Thanks to such influential protection and strategic positioning in the system of public procurement, Yuriy Golik not only contributed to the success of "Automagistrala-Yug" in tender arenas, but also supported its relative immunity from legal prosecution, even despite numerous scandals and accusations of corruption.

Also, Yuriy Golik hid his income from the tax service and NAZK by controlling a number of enterprises.

One of such companies was the road construction company "Bud Invest Engineering", established in 2015 in the city of Dnipro with a charter capital of slightly more than one million hryvnias. The company won 334 public procurements for a total of 22.28 billion hryvnias. The official director of the company was Dmytro Lytnarovich, and the beneficial owners were Yana Khlanta, Pavlo Chukhno and Dmytro Lytnarovich himself.

In the period from 2015 to 2019, Golik held the position of non-time advisor to the head of the regional state administration, where he was responsible for the formation of infrastructure and budget policy, personnel audit, implementation of project management, as well as the ProZorro and iGov systems. Probably, thanks to his efforts, "Bud Invest Engineering" concluded contracts worth 13.02 billion hryvnias with the Highway Service of the Dnipropetrovsk Region and 8.87 billion hryvnias with the Department of Housing, Communal Affairs and Construction of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.

According to the register of legal entities, Yuriy Golik was the beneficial owner of "Modern Media Technologies" LLC with a charter capital of 54.4 million hryvnias. He also owned the advertising agency "Bezkostovka Print" LLC, registered in Dnipro, a part of the company "Creative Kraina" LLC and a part of the IT company "KSH Services" together with Ilya Koenigshtein.

Golik was also actively involved in publishing. In 2021, a series of books "Great Land" - "Great Construction 2020" and "Great Construction 2020. Faces" were published. Two years before that, he published the book "Infinity is not for weaklings" about his work in "Reznichenko's team", but he did not publicly announce the fee he received. It is worth noting that the use of book publishing as a means of "laundering" income is a popular scheme among officials and politicians.

And as early as 2023, law enforcement officers exposed an unnamed private enterprise that, between 2018 and 2020, worked for Yury Golik, who was then already burdened with criminal proceedings and fled to the EU, and performed repair work on sections of highways in Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions under the terms of the contracts , concluded with the Highway Services. According to the investigation, the cost of repair works, which could not be accepted for operation, reached more than 121 million hryvnias, which were illegally obtained from the budget.

In the summer of 2020, Yurii Golik was officially suspended from the "Great Construction" project, and Taras Syrotynskyi was appointed to the position of advisor to the prime minister instead. Although, taking into account the whole picture from today, it is obvious that the removal of Golik from his position was a PR move, and in the following years, Yuriy continued to enrich himself and his patrons in power at the Great Building.

At that time, Oleksandr Kubrakov was in charge of Ukravtodor. He did not hide that he is creating such a model of the road repair market, where only selected companies earn billions. When asked how to become a contractor for Ukravtodor, Kubrakov answered rhetorically: "Is there no cartel?" Of course, who is easier to say no - the cartel or ordinary market participants?

The current model involved the drawing of billion-dollar tenders in a narrow circle of leaders of the Automagistral-Yug, Onur and Rostdorstroy cartel, as well as the leadership of local companies in several regions. The rest received only situational shares and subcontracted residuals.

In fact, real bidding was transferred from the state procedures of Ukravtodor to private disputes of general contractors, who chose subcontractors according to their own rules. Thus, the margin that "Ukravtodor" laid in the expected value of public auctions was not distributed according to the rules of the "Prozorro" system, but on private territory.

Yuri Golik was the ideologist of this scheme. Golik and Reznychenko were longtime associates. They met back in the 2000s, when Reznychenko was the vice president of the Lozhkin UMH media holding, and Yuriy Golik managed the holding's advertising department in the Luhansk region, after which he moved to the head office.

But Golik's non-public enrichment also came to an end. On May 3, 2023, Yuriy Golik, the curator of the "Great Construction" project, was detained by NABU operatives on the Stolychny Shosse in Kyiv, when he was leaving home. This was reported by former People's Deputy Ihor Mosiychuk.

As part of the case on the embezzlement of funds by the management of the Dnipropetrovsk OVV headed by Valentyn Reznychenko, Golik was charged with suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 28, 368-5, Part 3 of Art. 209 of the Criminal Code (illegal enrichment as part of an organized group with subsequent money laundering), his mobile phone was confiscated, and he was ordered to appear before the investigator.

In the case, the investigation of which is still ongoing, the former deputy head of the president's office, Kyryl Tymoshenko, also appears.

This investigation concerns how a private company received 1.5 billion hryvnias to repair roads in the Dnipropetrovsk region, thus setting a record for financing road rehabilitation throughout Ukraine. The company is associated with a close friend of the former head of OVA Valentyn Reznichenko.

As it was reported, following the results of an on-site meeting of the Temporary Investigative Commission of the Verkhovna Rada, a number of criminal proceedings were opened due to abuse by the leadership of the Dnipropetrovsk regional administration.

All criminal proceedings were registered on February 10, 2023, the day after the meeting of the Supreme Administrative Court. The information was entered into the register by the investigators of the Main Department of the National Police in the Dnipropetrovsk region, which has been headed by Anatoly Shchadylo since 2020. He was in charge of the local police all the time while the head of the regional administration was Valentyn Reznychenko, whom the parliamentarians also suspect of participating in the thefts.

Criminal proceedings 12023040000000141 were opened based on the fact of abuse of official position by officials of the Dnipropetrovsk region, who received 11.5 thousand laptops as humanitarian aid and their further disposal at their own discretion (Part 2 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

At the same time, journalists learned that Yurii Golik had ready plan to leave. Volodymyr Orlov, the head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, issued an order dated April 20 of this year under the number 139/0/527-23 "On the departure of drivers outside Ukraine", which allowed drivers transporting humanitarian goods to leave the country.

But here is the "Appendix" to this order:

After the scandal provoked by this order, pitiful explanations were expected from the acting president. military administrator Vladimir Orlov, and reports on "volunteer aid" from Golik were shown.

As early as 2024, in the case of Reznichenko-Holik, the examination revealed 300 million hryvnias in damages. Another 1.2 billion hryvnias were classified as misuse of budget funds as part of the "Great Construction".

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) continued the investigation of the criminal proceedings regarding tenders for the repair of roads in the Dnipropetrovsk region, which were won by the company "Stroyinvest Engineering", associated with the former head of OVA Valentyn Reznychenko and his constant consultant from the OPU Yuri Golik.

The main task in the case was to prove that the state suffered losses. This was done despite the resistance of the State Audit Service, which is controlled by Minister of Finance Serhiy Marchenko.

The minister did not give permission to the head of the State Audit Service to sign the official audit opinion on the "Stroyinvest Engineering" case for NABU. However, among the employees of the service, there were honest workers who helped the Bureau, - writes Inna Vedernikova in the article "In Search of the Mole". How can the crisis between NABU and SAP end."

During the year, Golik's house was searched twice, during the second time his phone was seized.

Last week, it became known about leaks of information from NABU within the framework of the Reznychenko-Holik case, the confirmation of which was found in Golik's phone.

So, in the process of searching, detectives found the correspondence of three people. Person No. 1 has already been identified - this is a NABU detective. Personality No. 2 - Georgy Birkadze. Person No. 3 is more complicated, but it is possible that it is about the first deputy director of NABU Gizo Uglava.

On June 27, 2024, the mass media were filled with news about the detention of the former curator of the "Great Construction" project and the search of Kyryll Tymoshenko as part of the NABU leak case. On the same evening, Kyrylo Tymoshenko announced through his Telegram channel: "The sensation is cancelled! I confirm that I have been searched for a case that I have nothing to do with. I have fulfilled all the requirements of the law enforcement officers, I personally have no complaints."

The name of the former deputy head of the President's Office, now an adviser to the Minister of Defense, appears in the high-profile criminal investigation of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau related to the leak of internal documents on the verification of the use of budget funds for the presidential project "Big Construction".

Since June 2020, Kyrylo Tymoshenko headed the Coordinating Council for the implementation of the "Great Construction" program. This consultative and advisory body under President Volodymyr Zelenskyi included three ministers (infrastructure, development of communities and territories, and health care) and the chairman of Ukravtodor. According to the media, before the start of Russia's large-scale military attack on Ukraine, more than UAH 200 billion was sent to repair roads as part of the "Great Construction".

In January 2023, Kyrylo Tymoshenko left his post in the Office of the President amid a scandal involving the possible embezzlement of funds for road construction in the Dnipropetrovsk region. A few months later, in September, he won a court case against the National Anti-Corruption Agency, which suspected him of corruption. From March 2024, Tymoshenko became an adviser to the Minister of Defense Rustem Umerov.

NABU, which searched Kyryll Tymoshenko, paid special attention to the documentation related to the "Great Construction", a project that was researched and supervised by Yurii Golik.

According to the results of the search, Tymoshenko found evidence that could confirm his connection with Golik. Among the seized documents and electronic records were data on possible meetings between Tymoshenko and Golik and other key figures. The High Anti-Corruption Court seized Tymoshenko's equipment, including a MacBook and two iPhone 15s, which could contain information useful for the investigation.

At the same time as Tymoshenko, Yuriy Golik was also searched. As a result, his mobile phones and laptop, which stored data on road construction and potential abuse, were seized. The materials discovered during the searches confirmed Golik's knowledge of the progress of criminal cases, which led to the emergence of a new criminal proceeding related to leaks of information from NABU.

On June 13, 2024, it became known that being a suspect in the SAP and NABU case, the Consultant of the Office of the President U Yuriy Golik left the territory of Ukraine through the "Path" system with a disability certificate, and now he is in Austria. This information was confirmed by ZN.UA sources in the State Border Service of Ukraine.

Already at the time of writing this material, it became known that Golik has returned to Ukraine, on his Facebook page he publishes posts about how he is engaged in volunteer activities and sports despite his "disability".

His carelessness in this situation is very interesting. How, after hiding from the investigation abroad, Yuriy Golik calmly manages his social networks as if nothing had happened? Maybe those who leaked him the progress of the investigation at NABU could "resolve" him for stopping the investigation? Perhaps so, given the profits and connections of Golik, which he received during the "Great construction" and reconstruction of the infrastructure already during the war.



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