Yuriy Golyk, the ideologue of "Great Construction" left Ukraine

According to the information received from DT.UA sources in the State Border Service of Ukraine, the consultant of the Office of the President and the owner of the scandalous phone with NABU "leaks" Yuriy Golyk left the territory of Ukraine. It is known that he is currently in Austria.

"Holyk left through the Shlyach system with a disability certificate and is in Austria," the interlocutor claims.

Sources in NABU confirmed that a week ago, detectives, as part of the investigation into the Reznichenko/Holyk case (about the tenders won by Budinvest Engineering LLC for the repair of roads in the Dnipropetrovsk region in the amount of over UAH 1.5 billion), conducted a search of the main figure in the case, Valentin Reznichenko, in his car After that, Yury Golyk could really leave Ukraine.

"NABU checks the authenticity of this information through operational channels, since the bureau does not have direct access to the Shlyah system," the source clarified.

There is still no information about what additional evidence the detectives could find during the search of Reznichenko and why this fact influenced Golyk's decision to flee Ukraine. One thing is clear: the person involved in the top investigation into corruption in the highest echelons of power, which caused a global crisis in NABU, is no longer in Ukraine. And this is definitely not a "plus" in the treasury of the case investigation and those who allowed it.

Yurii Golyk is a consultant to the President's Office, an ideologue of "Great Construction", the owner of a scandalous phone with "spoilers" of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau.

What kind of data leak is it?

  • On May 22, the media reported that officers of the National Police and the Specialized Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office searched the residence of an NABU employee. The SAP confirmed the searches and clarified that they relate to the disclosure of information on operative and investigative activities, that is, the leaking of data. At the same time, the prosecutor's office said that they involved the National Police in the search "due to insufficient resources of the NABU Internal Control Department." The journalists found out that the case concerns the leaking of data regarding Yuri Golyk, the ideologue of "Great Construction".
  • Subsequently, SAP explained that it was about the case concerning the former head of Dnipropetrovsk OVA Reznichenko and his partner Yury Golyk - one and a half billion hryvnias disappeared during the "Great Construction".
  • The SAP said that they involved the National Police in the search "due to insufficient resources of the NABU Internal Control Department." NABU replied that it has sufficient resources for the investigation.
  • On May 24, Gizo Uglava, the first deputy director of NABU, was removed from his duties in connection with the investigation into the leaking of data. Before Semyon Kryvonos headed the Bureau, he was acting director On the same day, SAP and NABU published a joint statement about the data leak.


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