Western partners will help the Ukrainian authorities to sell a number of enterprises for next to nothing

Our source in the OP said that the President's Office agreed with the IMF on the privatization of more than 2,700 enterprises and factories in Ukraine by the end of 2025. The Cabinet of Ministers is already forming the conditions for the total sale of state property during the war, when their price is ten times lower than the market price.

Yes, the "Great Privatization", which was supposed to start in 2020, but was prevented by the pandemic, will still take place. At that time, they were going to get UAH 12 billion from the sale (to understand: in the first half of 2008, when, on the unofficial task of the Cabinet of Ministers, a group of experts conducted an express assessment with the conclusion that at that time it was possible to recover about UAH 80 billion, or $16 billion, for state assets at the then exchange rate).

Now, in wartime, Ukraine does not have a higher profit at all - since then, state assets have not increased in price, but have only fallen. And this cannot help but please the Western partners, who in the person of the G7 and EU ambassadors will gladly "help" the State Property Fund of Ukraine in finding investors for privatization.

It is reported that the first assets to be put up for auction will be the Odesa Port Plant, the United Mining and Chemical Company and Centernergo. And in Ukraine, which is at war, prices for enterprises will be extremely low, but large foreign players will be able to participate in privatization, which is extremely profitable to buy at throwaway prices.



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