The draft law on the military police provides for denunciations of evaders and deserters for money and allows breaking into the apartments of violators

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is considering a new draft law on the military police, which contains several controversial provisions that may significantly affect military legislation and the legal order in the country.

Article No. 9 of the draft law contains a norm according to which the military police can "cooperate with natural persons, including on a contractual basis, observing the conditions of voluntariness and confidentiality of these relations, materially and morally encourage persons who provide assistance in the prevention, detection, termination of criminal activities offenses".

Although this article does not specifically mention evaders, lawyers interviewed by TSN believe that it is most likely about them.

In the draft law, they want to give military policemen the right in certain cases to break into the homes of violators of the legislation on military service. And these, in particular, are dodgers.

"In urgent cases related to the saving of lives and property or the direct pursuit of persons suspected of committing a crime, in the cases and on the grounds provided for by law, enter a person's home or other property with immediate notification to the pre-trial investigation body and prosecutor's office," the draft law reads.

"Taking into account the fact that at the level of the draft law there are changes to the administrative code, taking into account the purpose of creating the military police, I can assume that it is the military police that will carry out operational and search actions against evaders who have not updated their military registration data, have not become on military registration, who were declared wanted and did not appear at the TCC," said lawyer Kateryna Anishchenko.



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