Convicts are ready to fight for the country

In connection with the growing tension in the east of Ukraine, the country's government decided to expand the mobilization process, which now includes even convicts and prisoners. This step is part of the strategy of strengthening defense capabilities and ensuring the country's security in the face of military threats.

Special amnesty program

Thus, 2,750 imprisoned men expressed their desire to mobilize in exchange for freedom. At the same time, to fill the acute shortage of infantry, Ukraine decided to release convicted criminals who agree to fight in assault brigades .

This applies to those offenders who participate in the relevant amnesty program.

“The motivation of our prisoners is stronger than that of our ordinary soldiers... Their release is only one part of the motive. They want to protect their country and want to turn the page ," said Minister of Justice of Ukraine Denys Malyuska.

Separate units of prisoners

The commander of the 2nd Assault Battalion of the 3rd OShBr, Dmytro Kukharchuk, nicknamed "Slip", stated in an interview with Armiya TV that it is unacceptable to create separate units from former prisoners (as was done in Russia and proposed in Ukrainian law).

In this case, according to the military, unmotivated men can discourage those who are patriotic.

"And if someone wants to implement such a concept, one must remember that about 700,000 people were imprisoned in Russian prisons, 30,000 in Ukrainian prisons, so the story of "meat storms" is unrealistic for Ukraine. Such an approach would have a very negative image for Ukraine in the international arena ," Kukharchuk emphasized.

At the same time, the soldier realizes that not everything will be perfect, because from the side of the prisoners it is possible:

  • arbitrary abandonment of a part;
  • poor performance at the front.

However, the soldiers of the Third Assault Division have already visited all the prisons of the country and conducted interviews with potential soldiers.

"A person has come - he can wash away his sins, if they are really sins, with blood, and if they are not sins, then he proves to society that he is innocent ," Kuharchuk added.

Which of the convicts cannot be mobilized

Earlier we wrote that according to the law on the mobilization of convicts, the following cannot join the Armed Forces:

  • convicted of crimes against the foundations of national security of Ukraine;
  • convicted of the intentional murder of two or more persons;
  • convicted of premeditated murder combined with rape or sexual violence;
  • convicted of criminal offenses provided for by articles 152-1561, 258-2586, part four of article 2861 of this Code.

In addition, convicts and prisoners, as well as any conscripts, must pass a military medical examination before going on duty, and they must also receive the consent of unit commanders to take them.



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