The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) detained a 27-year-old woman who cooperated with Russian military intelligence and collected GPS coordinates for carrying out drone attacks on Kyiv on January 1, 2025. The agent, a local unemployed person, was looking for "easy" earnings on Telegram channels, where she was recruited by a representative of Russian intelligence, offering money for cooperation.
According to the SBU, the main targets of the attack were administrative buildings and energy enterprises of Ukraine. To do this, the woman used her phone to photograph objects and obtain exact GPS coordinates, which she then transmitted to her Russian curator through an anonymous chat in the messenger.
Investigators also documented her espionage activities, including reconnaissance of air defense combat positions protecting the capital. The perpetrator was detained while trying to hand over a new batch of intelligence.
She was charged with suspicion under 2 Art. 114-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which provides for punishment for the unauthorized dissemination of information about the deployment of the Armed Forces and other military formations under martial law. The woman is currently in custody and faces life imprisonment with confiscation of property.