Zelensky reported on the situation on the "difficult direction" in Kharkiv

The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, arrived in Kharkiv today to personally familiarize himself with the situation in the "difficult direction" and to support the military, which protects civilians from aggression.

On May 16, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi held a meeting of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in Kharkiv. According to its results, the head of state announced that the situation in Kharkiv region is under control.

In particular, in Kharkiv, Zelensky listened to detailed reports by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi, the commanders of the Khortytsia Air Force Base Yury Sodol and Mykhailo Drapatoy of the Kharkiv OTU. It was about the operational situation, tasks and needs of each involved brigade, unit, including in the Kharkiv Region, in the Vovchansk and Liptsiv districts.

At the same time, the prospects of the combat situation and threats during the coming days and weeks were analyzed in detail at the pond. Separately, it was about Ukraine's ability to counter Russia's offensive plans.

"As of today, the situation in Kharkiv Oblast is generally under control, our soldiers are inflicting significant losses on the occupier. But the direction remains extremely difficult - we are strengthening our units," the president explained.

The head of state added that the heads of the GUR and SZR spoke about the intentions of the occupiers, the head of the SBU - about counter-subversive measures.

"A plan of further actions has been determined - both for the regional authorities of Kharkiv Oblast and for all structures responsible for security in the region," Zelenskyi said.

On April 16, Focus wrote that, according to military analyst Mike Clark, the Russian army's offensive actions in the Kharkiv region intend to draw Ukrainian troops away from other directions.

In addition, Yuriy Fedorenko, the head of the shock battalion of the Achilles Air Defense Forces of the 92nd Separate Assault Brigade named after Ivan Sirk, believes that the current offensive of the Russian invaders will continue for a month.



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