Strict restrictions for car owners: the main changes in the new mobilization law

On May 18, Ukraine entered into force a new law on mobilization, which is accompanied by restrictions on the movement of cars registered in the TCC.

According to Law No. 3633-IX "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Certain Issues of Military Service, Mobilization and Military Registration", cars owned by entrepreneurs and citizens, but intended for military transport purposes, will be under close control.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs will provide data on such cars to all TCCs. Management of enterprises will also be obliged to comply with a partial order on the transfer of vehicles.

The new law on mobilization and preparation for it in Ukraine, which has entered into force, establishes a number of restrictions regarding cars and other vehicles that are registered with the TCC and must be assigned to resupply the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations.

According to Article 6 of this law, it is prohibited to:

  • Moving cars to other regions or outside Ukraine, with the exception of moving to adjacent regions after notifying the TCC within one month.
  • Sale of ownership of these cars to legal entities or individuals.
  • Leasing.
  • Use as collateral in banks and other institutions.
  • Taking any other actions that make it impossible to transfer such vehicles to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations.

The law also establishes that military transport duty at the time of general mobilization or a special period is established to meet the needs of the Defense Forces of Ukraine and applies to various state and local authorities, enterprises, institutions, organizations and citizens who own vehicles.

Details regarding the volume of cars by types and brands to be involved in the mobilization will be determined by local authorities at the request of the TCC, which will receive the necessary information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

One of the innovations of the Law "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization" is the introduction of a partial uniform. This administrative document of the head of the local OVA aims to establish the tasks for the heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations of various forms of ownership, as well as economic entities in the transfer of specific vehicles and special equipment to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations, as well as in determining collection points and delivery terms.

In simpler terms, this document establishes the obligation of institutions and enterprises to ensure the delivery of cars to assembly points and military units at the specified time and place specified in the partial order.

The procedure for the performance of military transport duty, as well as the rules for engaging, seizing and forcibly alienating vehicles and equipment for the period of mobilization and wartime are determined by the Cabinet of Ministers. The percentage by branches of the national economy is taken into account.

Regarding compensation for losses caused by the mobilization of transport, the law provides for the procedure for the state to reimburse the value of property and compensation for the damage caused. However, the process of vehicle mobilization is free of charge, with the condition that the car or other vehicle is returned to the owner within 30 calendar days after the demobilization is announced.

Who has the right to engage vehicles?

  • Territorial centers of qualification commissions (TCC).
  • Central administration or regional divisions of the Security Service of Ukraine.
  • Relevant departments of the intelligence agencies of Ukraine.

Data on water transport and agricultural machinery are also transmitted to the TCC by the Ministry of Infrastructure, the State Production and Consumer Service and other bodies.

How is the procedure for involving transport? Transfer and return of vehicles for mobilization and after demobilization takes place on the basis of acts of acceptance and transfer. These documents record information about the owners, technical condition, residual (balance) value and other necessary details that allow vehicles to be identified.



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