The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has again found itself in the spotlight because of a number of resonant scandals concerning not only the transfer of state lands to housing development, but also issues related to the luxurious assets of its heads. In addition, the journalists of the StopCora found that the leaders of the NAS, who should demonstrate a modest standard of living, have elite apartments, cottages, as well as expensive cars that do not receive their official income.
How do developers capture the land of NAS?
One of the most discussed topics is the active participation of the capital's developer Sergei Kopistyra and his KSM-Group in the Zelezh territory owned by the NAS. Without some permits, Copistrias build residential complexes on the Academy lands. The situation with the object on Stepanchenko Street has become the subject of criminal investigation, but there is a belief that these construction could get "green light" from the leaders of the NAS in exchange for profit.
NAS President Anatoly Zagorodny and his elite real estate
The President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Anatoliy Zagorodniy officially declares a small residential facility in Kiev, which was purchased for a symbolic amount of UAH 17 thousand. However, journalists found that in fact he owns an elite apartment in the LCD "Crusteal sources", which costs from 3 million hryvnias. It is this complex, built by KSM-Group, that has become a home for many high-ranking NAS and their country members. This raises the question of the possibility of corruption between the heads of the Academy and developers.
Boris Nikolenko and his gorgeous cottage town
GATP Director of NAS, Boris Nikolenko, also got into a scandal because of real estate. According to the registers, he owns a cottage near Kiev, consisting of several elite houses. Also, according to journalists, this cottage complex is in the forest, far from the capital, which has losses on the true sources of funding for such assets.
Seminzhenko's car and other impressions
Moreover, other top officials of the NAS, such as Vladimir Semynozhenko, have also become objects of investigations. Despite the fact that two Mercedes was published in his declaration, journalists were recorded in the parking lot of Nan Land Cruiser, the cost of which is about 4 UAH. The guards confirmed that this car belongs to Semynozhenko, which again questioned the reliability of official declarations.
Mikhail Sidorenko and his connections with illegal Zaptyki
Mikhail Sidorenko, the manager of the affairs of the NAS, who is responsible for issues related to the real estate of the Academy, also got to the Center for Anti -Corruption Investigations. It appears in cases of damage to the NAS for UAH 21.7 million. Nevertheless, Sidorenko claims that he knows nothing about illegal construction in the Academy.
In general, the situation at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine seems to be a very advantage. On the one hand, scientists begin with a lack of funding and lose valuable lands, and on the other - the heads of the Academy accumulate elite assets. Close ties with buildings and uncontrolled distribution of state lands under the call raise serious questions about the transparency of the NAS and its management.