"Golden toilets" for NABU

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) has come under criticism for spending more than 3 million hryvnias to repair its toilets.

According to the latest reports, NABU has purchased plumbing equipment repair services for the amount of over 3 million hryvnias. This amount is particularly surprising in the context of spending public funds, especially in a well-known anti-corruption organization, which should have high standards of economic efficiency and transparency.

It is interesting that these funds can be used to purchase, for example, about 12 stations of the Synytsia radio broadcasting station on 6 bands (the price of one is about 250,000 hryvnias)

In April, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine purchased toilet repair services for over 3 million hryvnias. This is evidenced by the data of the website Prozorro (Prozoro), UNN .

The tender for services for the current repair of the plumbing units of the administrative buildings of NABU was held in March of this year, and the contract with the winner - LLC "Porta Nova" was signed on April 24.

The expected value of the tender was slightly more than 4 million hryvnias, but according to the results of the auction, the price of the contract amounted to more than 3 million hryvnias including VAT.

Based on the tender documentation, NABU decided to make a major repair in the toilets - from replacing the toilets themselves to switches and sockets.

It is interesting that the company "Porta Nova" was already going to repair the administrative building of the National Bank, but after publicity in the mass media it was disqualified. After all, the size of the company's authorized capital is only 1 thousand hryvnias, and the date of creation is December 1, 2023. In addition, journalists suspected that the company had forged certificates of similar experience. In particular, due to the fact that it seems to have two repairs on December 1 and 2, 2023, that is, on the day of registration and the day after registration.

In addition, in February of this year, NABU ordered services for cleaning sewage networks of administrative buildings. For two cleanings, NABU will pay "Montazh Tech Service" LLC 30.6 thousand hryvnias.

Thus, in 2024, NABU will spend at least 3 million hryvnias on toilet repairs alone. It is not known why the decision was made to update the toilets at this time, because only they themselves know how bad things are with the toilets of the anti-corruption agents.

But it is worth adding that these funds can be used to purchase, for example, about 12 "Synytsia" WB stations on 6 bands (the price of one is about 250,000 hryvnias), which protect the Ukrainian military from enemy drones and help save their lives.

Also, in 2024 NABU will spend at least 6.5 million hryvnias on translation services.

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine is "known" for its ability to loudly announce the exposure of another scheme and to announce the suspicion of a top official. However, these cases often fall apart in court or do not even get there.

In addition, recently there was a scandal at NABU with the alleged leakage of information from the bureau. The former head of Brovarsk RDA, adviser to the President's Office, Heorhiy Birkadze, who was searched by law enforcement officers as part of this case, said that the case of the "leak" of data from NABU was made into a show instead of an investigation.



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