
The danger of shutting down laboratories throughout Ukraine: details of the seizure of property at the Sinevo company

According to the press service of the network, the State Bureau of Investigation seized the building of the main office and central laboratory of "Sinevo Ukraine". In this regard, the company...

Pashynskyi was released on bail of UAH 272.5 million

Former deputy Serhiy Pashynskyi was released from pre-trial detention center for the deposit of 299 million hryvnias made by the enterprises of the National Association of Defense Industry Enterprises. Pashynsky himself reported about...

Fraud scheme: how the agrarian Astion helped Firtash resell the "Republika" shopping center and "heated" the state for a billion

One of the largest shopping and entertainment centers in Kyiv, "Republika" mall, was the subject of a loud scandal, where both a huge "discount" during resale and a possible billion...

Ukrzaliznytsia was robbed of 11 million: SAP and NABU exposed a scheme on the purchase of pneumatic tools

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) together with the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAP) exposed a criminal group that committed thefts from Ukrzaliznytsia in the amount of 11.4...

The court kept Ihor Hrynkevich in custody for a month until March 29

The court extended the preventive measure for the Lviv businessman Ihor Hrynkevich, who became a figure in the case of providing low-quality clothes and underwear for the Armed Forces of Ukraine....

The lawsuit about the former property of the Ministry of Defense: judge Serhii Gut will put an end to it in the spring

The next meeting was held in the premises of the Odesa Commercial Court, dedicated to the consideration of the lawsuit filed by the military prosecutor's office against "Basco" LLC. The essence of the lawsuit is that...

20 months of captivity of Maksym Butkevich, human rights defender, ex-journalist of the BBC

March 10 of this year marks one year since the sentencing of Ukrainian human rights defender Maksym Butkevich. He was sentenced to 13 years in prison. Over the past 20 months...

The anti-corruption court extended the duties of ex-deputy minister Lozinsky

The higher anti-corruption court extended until April 21 the term of office of the former Deputy Minister for Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure, Vasyl Lozynskyi. Lozynskyi is suspected of...
