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Forecasters predict a heavy frost on February 18

Frosty weather in Ukraine will also be held on Monday, February 18, said the weatherman Natalka Didenko. According to her, the next night will be very cold, with temperature ...

The employee of the Lviv Criminal Code is suspected of non -policy of property for 3.25 million hryvnias

Natalia Hnatyuk, the head of the department of reserve officers and staff of the Lychakiv-Zalizny United District Shopping Center and JV of Lviv, came under suspicion because

Detailed weather forecast for February 17 in Ukraine

On Monday, February 17, Ukraine is expected to be dry but frosty. In most regions, the temperature will last within -1 ° ...- 6 °. It will only be warmer ...

In Lviv, anesthesiologist worked with children on false documents

In the case of the tragic death of the five-year-old Veles Pashnik, after the procedure of removal of milk teeth in Lviv, a suspicion of anesthesiologist was announced in Lviv. The investigation found out that she worked ...

Aviations with Ukraine: Ryanair plans a large -scale return

The Irish Lowcost-Aviar Company Ryanair considers the possibility of rapid recovery of flights to Ukraine after the end of the war. Within 4-6 weeks after the termination of hostilities, the company plans to launch 24 ...


Housing mystery of the exclusive of the SCCS Elena Ponomarenko: Business Class real estate and an unknown source of income

The expert of the Secretariat of the High Qualifications Commission of Judges (CCCS) Elena Ponomarenko ...

Forestry with millions of income: Vladimir Turevich's declaration raises questions

Head of Lyuboml Branch Branch Polissya Forest Office Volodymyr Turevich ...

Weather in Ukraine March 23: Warm will be kept but the wind will add coolness

Tomorrow, March 23, Ukraine will remain relatively warm, ...

Weather forecast on March 25: cloudy, rainfall but warm

On Tuesday, March 25, Ukraine will remain relatively warm ...