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Mobilization Law: Businesses are required to ensure that summonses are served on employees

The new law on mobilization, which will enter into force on May 18, establishes important requirements for enterprises in connection with changes in military legislation. According to...

In Odesa, a man in military uniform brutally beat a girl with a crutch: the local TCC has started an investigation into the situation

In the evening of May 13, a 19-year-old girl was attacked by a man dressed in a military uniform. Previously, he introduced himself as an employee of the local territorial procurement center (TCC).

Mobilization in Ukraine: in what cases can the police forcefully take people to the TCC

According to the announcement of lawyer Yaroslav Kuts, a new law on mobilization will enter into force on May 18, which provides for a number of changes in the activities of law enforcement agencies. Expert...

An attempt to set fire to the territorial assembly center in Zaporizhzhia

In Zaporizhzhia, they tried to set fire to one of the territorial centers of recruitment and social support. This information was disseminated by the press service of the GUNP in the Zaporizhzhia region. According to the report, 11...

The head of control over excise goods of the DPS State Administration in Zhytomyr region was dismissed due to voluntary service in the territorial defense

On June 3, 2022, it became known that Fedko Dmytro Oleksiyovych, who held the position of head of the excise goods control department of the Main Directorate of the State Tax Service...


Spring with surprises: warmth, storm wind and rains in Ukraine

Spring continues to please the Ukrainians with warmth, but comfortable weather will be overshadowed ...

Calendar of holidays in Ukraine for March 2025

March 2025 will bring a number of important holidays as ...

Celebrating March 8: church holiday, folk traditions and signs

Today is known for many celebrations, including international, ...

Forecast on March 6: wind and heat, in places up to +18 ° C

On March 6, warm but windy weather is expected in Ukraine ....