In Transcarpathia, border guards uncovered an attempt to cross the border illegally: they found eight men hiding behind a specially equipped wall in a minibus loaded with vegetables. The incident happened near...
On December 1, 2024, the "Winter Support" program started, initiated by President Volodymyr Zelenskyi. It provides for the payment of 1,000 hryvnias for citizens who need help in the conditions...
During 2024, employees of the State Bureau of Investigation actively investigated cases of illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine. This problem, which has become particularly relevant...
The war became not only a test of endurance for the entire country, but also a test of the honesty of those who criticize the government and the army. However, as evidenced by...
In the conditions of war, the role of journalists and activists, who are looking for "evaders" from mobilization, acquires special importance. In particular, media such as "", "SCHEMY", "Ukrainian Pravda", "Radio...