The government promotes shadowing of the labor market - Oleksiy Kush

The mobilization policy of the government of Ukraine continues to cause sharp criticism, in particular among economic experts. One of the leading analysts, Oleksiy Kush, notes that government initiatives aimed at mobilization are not only inconsistent, but also exacerbate economic problems, in particular, contribute to the shadowing of the labor market.

Shmygal's strange statement that 98% of summonses are sent to people who are not employed and do not pay taxes. After all, this, to put it mildly, does not correspond to reality.

But this is what strikes me.

At first, the government increased the transactional burden on business by taking responsibility for mobilization procedures: delivery of summonses, delivery of employees to the TCC. This naturally led to the mass dismissal of people from the official place of work and their transfer to the shadows (with the cessation of tax assessment on salaries, which began to be paid in envelopes).

The number of such people in general across the country amounted to hundreds of thousands.

Now the prime minister says that summonses are sent to those who are not officially employed....

That is, the government first drove people into the shadows, and now it is trying to "get" them out of there with the help of subpoenas.

And why was it necessary to force the business to moderate the delivery of summonses? These are not Soviet state enterprises.

Decommunization took place here only in the form of the demolition of monuments, but not in the minds of officials and their attitude towards people. People and business are still seen as a "resource" that needs to be "managed". We still have models of social dialogue and human-centered politics from the realm of fiction.

For example, a business needs to put up monuments for the fact that in such a situation it saves jobs and pays taxes. And not to load it with functions not inherent to it, and moreover unnatural.

Because if the business needs an employee, he will transfer him to the shadows, but keep him.

Therefore, all the actions of the government in this regard are a creepy shuffling from side to side.

Either press as much as possible on the official labor market, or on the shadow one.

Does the government even understand what they are doing?



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