Journalist Vitaly Glagola reported that 5 vehicles were detained on the border between Ukraine and Moldova, in the Obzhily-Plot area, in which there were...
In a high-profile video from Dnipro, where a group of men in camouflage clothing and balaclavas attacked a military serviceman in civilian clothes, an assistant to People's Deputy Mykola was seen...
In Lutsk, there was an attack on TCC employees with the use of a gas canister, which became the object of an investigation by law enforcement agencies. The incident happened in the morning of June 21 and already...
Former general of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Andriy Naumov again became the object of new criminal suspicion by the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine (SBI). He is accused of forgery...
In a terrible incident on the highway Kyiv - Odesa, a truck driver from Khmelnytskyi became a suspect in the murder of a woman whom he met at a gas station. According to the police,...
The police of the Odesa region reported the arrest of two minors who set fire to military vehicles in Rozdilnya district. This incident comes amid a growing number of similar incidents...
Ten officers of the State Security Service (SSU) expressed their displeasure with the actions of Acting the head of the UDO Maksym Donets and appealed to President Volodymyr Zelenskyi with a complaint...
The fund, which presented the head of the Anti-Corruption Center (CPC) Vitaly Shabunin with a volunteer car, issued an official statement in connection with the scandal that arose around the use of...