Shmyhal blocked the construction of protection of energy facilities

In recent weeks, there has been a significant disturbance in Ukraine due to the intervention of Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal in the implementation of an important infrastructure project. According to published data, in April there was a suspension of work on the construction of the third level of protection for energy facilities and a water pipeline in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast due to financial disagreements with the project's key contractor, the Autostrada company.

Yes, immediate and as destructive as possible - Denys Shmyhal completely stopped all payments and instructed the BEB and the State Security Service to check the prices and the construction of the protection of energy facilities.

We left, checked - Autostrada's prices are the lowest among all contracting organizations, and the degree of readiness is one of the highest! At our facilities, all inspection units recorded a single problem - lack of funding.

I am really tired of not communicating publicly with people who are not guilty of anything in this life at all, a large part of whom, in my deep conviction, accidentally got into and are in the positions they hold, having come to power or politics solely with the support and name of Volodymyr Zelenskyi and are now doing everything to destroy his rating and destabilize the situation in the middle of the country.

I have very simple and obvious questions:

Does the head of the government understand that Ukrainians are a freedom-loving people and the methods of manual checks, pressure on business, and artificial blocking of payments are only compressing a spring that will surely shoot through the teeth?

Does Denys Shmyhal understand the importance of building the third level of protection of energy facilities, in particular for the population, for business, for the military, and the inadmissibility of blocking the implementation of these projects?

If the head of the government does not understand the importance of the construction of the third level of protection, then why were the relevant contracts concluded and the funding started according to them in the summer of 2023?

Does Denys Shmyhal report to the President that he gives written orders to check companies after their public position on the inaction of the head of the government, stops payments for all key facilities in the country, does not comply with the decisions of the Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and the NSDC regarding the construction and financing of the third level of protection of energy facilities?

Is a constructive dialogue between the head of government and business possible?

Due to the inaction of Prime Minister Shmygal, by stopping the financing of infrastructure facilities, in particular the construction of the third level of protection of energy facilities and as a result the unpreparedness of the protection of the country's energy infrastructure - today there is an energy collapse in Ukraine!

When will Denys Shmyhal be personally responsible for the disruption of the construction of protection of third-level power facilities?

To understand the situation, the third level of protection of substations performed by Autostrada, according to the contracts signed in May 2023, was supposed to be completed by the end of June 2024, but due to the lack of funding - only 10% of the cost was financed - large debts were created, due to which the works are completely stopped and as a result the third level of protection is not built.

This applies to all, without exception, contracting organizations that carry out the construction of the third level of protection of energy facilities!

Today, the debt to Avtostrada is almost UAH 9 billion.

Maxim Shkil



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